Chapter 5: The Stranger's name

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After exchanging numbers with the stranger, I felt a mix of happiness and a bit of regret for not asking his name. Watching him blend into the crowd, I felt a spark of excitement about our new connection.

Back at my apartment, the silence felt heavier, almost echoing with the memory of our café encounter. Who was he really? What secrets were behind those mysterious eyes?

I picked up my phone, feeling nervous about sending a message. Should I text him? What should I even say? Finally, I decided on a simple note:

"Hey, it’s me from the café," and hit send. Then I put my phone aside, waiting for whatever would come next.

Hours dragged by with no response, and doubt started to creep in. Just as I was about to give up, my phone chimed with a new message. My heart raced as I read:

"Hey :) Sorry for not asking your name earlier. I’m Abel. Nice to meet you."

I felt a huge wave of relief at seeing his name. I quickly replied:

"Hey Abel. Nice to meet you too. I’m Monique."

Once we had our names out there, the conversation flowed easily. We joked around and chatted like old friends catching up. Abel suggested dinner, and I felt a mix of excitement and nerves.

"Sure, I’d love to," I typed back. "Where should we go?"

Abel’s reply came with a winky face emoji:

"There’s a little Italian place downtown I’ve been wanting to try. How about we meet there in an hour? ;)"

I pictured a cozy Italian restaurant and Abel’s charming smile. I glanced at the clock, realized it was later than I thought, but decided to go for it.

"Sounds perfect. See you there."

Feeling excited, I started getting ready. I usually wore my hair in a messy afro, but tonight I wanted to make an impression. I styled my curls into a sleek look, feeling both unfamiliar and oddly empowering.

I slipped into a slim-fit dress that hugged my curves. As I looked in the mirror, self-doubt hit me. My insecurities about my body crept in, but I pushed them aside. Tonight was about more than just looking good; it was about taking a chance and embracing the unexpected.

With one last check in the mirror, I was ready. Despite my nerves, I was buzzing with excitement. Tonight, I’d show Abel a side of me I usually keep hidden, hoping it would catch his attention and maybe, just maybe, his heart.

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