Chapter 1: How we met

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The smell of coffee mixed with the soft sound of jazz, creating a calm atmosphere in the café. I was lost in my book, enjoying the peace of being alone.

Then he walked in.

He was tall and confident, moving with a grace that made people turn their heads and whisper. His presence filled the room, commanding attention without saying a word. As he looked around, his eyes locked onto mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

For a moment, time seemed to stop as we stared at each other. Then, with a confident stride, he walked to my table, a charming smile on his lips.

"Mind if I join you?" His voice was smooth, like honey.

I hesitated, surprised by his sudden approach, but something in his eyes made me say yes. I nodded silently, pointing to the empty chair across from me.

As he sat down, I noticed the way his eyes sparkled with something hidden.

"Are you from around here?" he asked, still smiling.

I paused, feeling a bit of panic. "No," I said, surprised that I lied. My house was just two blocks away.

"Do you... recognize me from somewhere?" I asked, trying to figure out why he had approached me.

He shook his head with a chuckle. "Never met you before," he said.

I nodded slowly, still trying to understand his sudden presence. "Then... why did you-" I started, but he interrupted with a gentle laugh.

"Approach you?" he finished for me, leaning forward a little. He looked around the busy café, where every seat was taken. "You were the only one with an empty seat," he explained, his smile warm and genuine.

I looked down, too embarrassed to meet his gaze.

"I also approached because... you looked lonely," he added, his voice softening with concern.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, feeling exposed under his gaze. "Lonely?" I repeated, the word tasting bitter. It was a truth I had tried to hide, but now it was out in the open for a stranger to see.

He nodded, his expression kind. "I know what it's like to feel alone in a crowded room," he said, his voice carrying a hint of sadness.

His words hit me deep inside. He was pitying me... and I hated it.

"You don't know anything about me," I whispered, feeling defensive.

He leaned back, his eyes never leaving mine. "Maybe not," he said gently, "but I can tell there's more to you than meets the eye."

I swallowed hard. It was scary how he seemed to see right through me.

"And what if there is?" I challenged, still defensive. "What if I don't want to be seen?"

He tilted his head slightly, studying me with a thoughtful look. "Then I'll respect that," he replied simply. "But just know that you don't have to go through whatever it is alone."

It was like he could sense the walls I had built around myself. It was like he was offering me a way out of my solitude.

"I appreciate the offer," I murmured, my voice barely a whisper. "But I've learned that sometimes it's safer to keep people at a distance."

He nodded, understanding in his eyes. "I get it," he said softly. "But just know that the offer is always there, whenever you're ready."

The stranger stood up and left, leaving me with mixed emotions. Part of me wanted to chase after him, to find out more about what he meant. But another part of me, the part that had grown used to being alone, told me to stay where I was.

In the end, I stayed seated, watching as he disappeared into the crowd. It wasn't until the café began to empty that I finally gathered my things and headed home.

Back in the comfort of my own space, I went through my nightly routine with a sense of detachment, as if I were just going through the motions. But as I slipped into bed and closed my eyes, the memory of the stranger took over.

As soon as I started to fall asleep, he filled my dreams with an intensity that left me breathless. In my mind, he was electrifying and undeniable. Time didn't matter, and the line between reality and fantasy blurred. Every touch, every caress, felt incredibly real. There was no past or future, just the intense moment we shared.

Our bodies moved together perfectly, driven by a hunger that took me to new heights of ecstasy. His words of desire echoed in my ears, wrapping us in passion. I couldn't wake up. I didn't want to... but why? I had just met him. I hated it, but at the same time, I couldn't get enough.

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