(Rewrite) Chapter 17: In a Raid, Sacrifices Must Be Made

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Kasnov's POV

I wave Dr. L and Jake a goodbye, before leaving. I hear heavy steps around every corner, most likely my men. I move forward into the crystal cave, holding my FAMAS. I peak around every corner, looking for escaped subject. I suddenly hear screaming and gun shots from down the cave, to the storage bay just outside the cafeteria. I hastily make my way there, and as I'm there, the screaming and the gunshots stop. When I finally arrive there, I see Liam dragging a scientist bleeding from the leg back to the cafeteria.

"What the HELL happened?!" I exclaim. Liam looks up at me, then down to the scientist, still bleeding from their leg. "Hebi attack." He replied. "That scientist is a fucking goner then!" I exclaim. "Not yet they aren't! That damn thing almost ripped her leg off, and it fucking got away..." Liam says, taking out a bandage and tourniquet. He puts the tourniquet around her right leg, as she screams in pain. He then takes the bandage, wrapping it around the bite. Liam then picks her up again by the shoulders, dragging her back to the cafeteria.

A sudden step behind me catches my attention. I swiftly turn around, noticing a hebi, with blood around it's mouth. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I yell out. The hebi backs up in fear, probably from how absolutely massive I am. It steps back more rapidly, almost running. I lunge for the hebi, tackling it to the floor. I then grab it by the neck as it tries to kick back. I lift it up from the floor, throwing it into the wall like a baseball. It splatters against the wall, comedically sliding down it, onto it's back.

I run to the hebi, elbowing it in the lower spine. It screeches, attempting to get back up. I then grab my sledgehammer. "ANY FINAL WORDS? SEEMS LIKE YOU WERE NO USE TO US." I say in an agitated tone. "P-p..lease..." It says. I raise my sledgehammer more. "Y-you're a p-iece o-of crap! Y-ou don't e-even know h-how cruel y-your colleagues a-are t-to us.." It manages to make out. "If every time I gave a shit I would be given one million dollars, I'd be broke! Cause I don't give a shit!" I exclaim.

"Y-you are j-just i-i-insecure...you don't k-know what it's l-like to be a s-subject..a guinea p-pig, w-without compensation and w-without free w-will...I'll be s-s-so happy to b-be dead. To b-be done with t-this place...forever." It says. I stand there for a second, slowly lowering my sledgehammer. "You...have a point...but that doesn't change the fact that you almost ripped a staff member's leg off." I reply. "H-heh..heh...t-they fucking d-deserved it...a-all t-the tests t-they've done o-on us.." It says.

Images of Harry performing the most cruel experiments imaginable on these subjects flash in my head. "I h-had to d-do that...I k-knew I'd d-die either w-way..." It says. "If you want freedom, I'll give you it." I say. "..d-death? Ha..ha..I'd l-love the s-sweet release of d-death..." It says. I attach my sledgehammer on my back, pulling out my AA-12. I aim it at the hebi's head. "I-I hope this h-hell goes spiralling d-down from h-here...ha...ha....ha..." It says, before I pull the trigger on it's head. Goo splatters everywhere, even on my gear and gun. It's dead goo however, so I shouldn't be worried.

The hebi's head explodes into a million particles of goo. I pick up the dead body, slinging the AA-12 over my back. I walk back over to the crystal cave, taking a look at the giant blue crystals. I walk to the back of the cave, throwing the dead hebi into a pile of dead bodies I have stored inside a small crevice at the corner of the cave. "...maybe...Laminax isn't a good company, as I once thought it was.." I say, quietly. I lean over the railing that goes down into the depths of the cave, admiring the crystals of all sizes. It would be a shame if I fell off the railing. I back up from the railing, looking back at the storage bay next to the cafeteria. "I hope Jake's doing alright..."

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