Chapter 8

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I woke up feeling exhausted, the events of the previous night replaying vividly in my mind. The disastrous confrontation on the balcony, the heated argument with Allistair, and then the bombshell about our impending engagement – it all felt almost dreamlike in the soft morning light filtering through my bedroom windows.

A soft tap at the door startled me further as Teresa popped her head in. "You're awake, good. We need to talk."

I sat up, running a hand through my tousled hair as Teresa made her way over to the chaise lounge. "Let me guess – about last night's little announcement?"

Teresa's perfectly arched brows drew together in a slight frown. "Among other things. Like your atrocious behavior towards a certain shoe vandal," she said in an almost mocking tone.

Shame and guilt washed over me again as I recalled the vicious accusations I'd flung at Rosemary. That was low, even for a ruthless queen like myself. However, I was still unwilling to admit my mistake publicly. "I know, I know. I let the champagne get the best of me."

"Mmm. Champagne... Really?" Teresa fixed me with one of her patented looks. "While I can certainly understand the knee-jerk reaction at seeing your beloved engaged in what appeared to be a compromising situation, you owe Rosemary a proper apology."

I opened my mouth to protest, but she held up one perfectly manicured hand. "No arguments. You were out of line, end of story."

I felt a lump in my throat at the conflicting notion between what I knew was the right thing to do and what my stubborn pride allowed me to do. Admitting to others that my transgressions were uncalled for was not easy for me. After all, a 'Queen' doesn't bow to the servitude, much less ask for forgiveness.

However, Teresa's unamused look told me she was not going to let me get away with it. It took everything inside me, but finally, I compromised.

"Fine, I'll avoid lashing out at her again...for now. Happy?" I said, rolling my eyes. She chuckled at my antics, celebrating her little victory. I was overcome by a warm, bubbly feeling rising inside me. How strange.

Her expression softened slightly. "That said, I do sympathize with the overall situation you and Allistair find yourselves in with this...engagement nonsense."

"You're telling me." I fell back against the pillows with a huff. "Our fathers have essentially stripped us of any ownership over our own lives! How dare they think they can control us like pawns on a chessboard?"

"Which is precisely why we need to get ahead of this," Teresa said firmly. "Before those old snakes can make any official announcements, you and Allistair need to get on the same page about what you both want. If you don't present a united front, they'll just railroad you into an arrangement that benefits them."

I mulled over her advice. She was right – if Allistair and I didn't get our stance aligned, our fathers would seize control of the situation for their own gain.

"You're absolutely right. We need to sort this out before it spirals even more out of control. If they get away with announcing this fake engagement, who knows what else they'll try to force on us?" My mind raced with fears of being pressured into a sham marriage or having children against my will just to merge the family fortunes.

"Allistair and I need to get on the same page immediately about how to handle this."

Squaring my shoulders, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, determination coursing through me. "Teresa, thank you for being honest with me and having my back on this."

Teresa simply smiled. "Of course, that's what friends are for. And Tally?" Her voice took on an uncharacteristic gentleness. "I'm always here for you. We all are. You don't have to go through these family trials alone."

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