Chapter 19 - Masquerade Mayhem

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Tahlia's POV

I commanded every eye in the room as I made my grand entrance, descending the marble stairs in a form-fitting champagne gown with bold royal blue accents. The daring slit afforded calculated glimpses of my ledt leg with each measured stride - I felt as the reigning queen holding court.

In the crowd, Rosemary Smith stood out in stark contrast, her delicate white and gold dress projected an aura of innocence that drew admiring murmurs. For just a moment, I felt a surprising flicker of approval that the mousy girl was pulling off the look I'd meticulously orchestrated for her. Not that I would admit such trivialities aloud.

As I worked the ballroom, exchanging terse words with several guests who couldn't stop praising me, I caught my Allistair's adoring gaze across the way. That insatiable lecher's eyes, however, were hungrily raking over Rosemary in a most unchivalrous fashion. A surprising surge of protectiveness toward the little mouse flared within me before I sternly quashed it. Ridiculous.

The moment had come for me to seize the spotlight. Leaving Allistair's side, I took center stage and delivered a public address that included my thinly veiled declaration of intent to assume the CEO mantle at Steelman Corp. The idea of publicly proclaiming how I longed to follow in my odious father's footsteps inwardly revolted me, but it was delighting to see his discomfiture at my bold claim to his 'kingdom'.

After concluding my speech to polite applause, I descended to the ballroom floor with the intent of cementing my dominance through well-practiced social machinations. However, my attention was promptly arrested by the curious sight of Rosemary embracing the imposing Professor Hahn in an unmistakably intimate manner before quickly separating. How...interesting.

Clearing my throat loudly, I approached Hahn with a studied aloofness, feeling the weight of his intense regard despite the obscuring raven mask. Good heavens, was this typically cold fish of an academic actually admiring me just now? His low rumble carried an audacious candor I had never before associated with the man.

"Miss Steelman. You make a...striking addition to the ambiance this evening."

A frisson of unease trickled down my spine as I studied his impenetrable obsidian stare. With his expression fully concealed, I could not gauge his true intentions behind such overt admiration. This bold forwardness was so at odds with his customary restraint and mind games.

I allowed one sculpted brow to arch coolly. "Ah, finally a compliment to be savored amongst the cloying dross," I rejoined, unable to resist parrying such an overt gambit. "Though I suspect sincerity may be a bit too pedestrian for your...elevated tastes, Professor?"

Rather than rebuff my thinly veiled insinuation of his usual deceptions, Hahn simply met my barbed words with an approving gaze. "On the contrary, Miss Steelman. I find sincerity greatly underrated in certain...intimate settings."

His eyes trailed brazenly over the bared expanse of my body in a way that robbed me of breath. Was this churl actually attempting to seduce me? The thought was as preposterous as it was...thrilling. Before I could formulate a scathing rebuke, he followed with a daring suggestion.

"Perhaps you might indulge me with a dance? A harmless diversion between academic and student to...explore the boundaries of sincerity."

His courtly bow and proffered arm hung between us, pregnant with unspoken challenge.

I could feel the gazes of the guests in our inmediate vecinity burning with curiosity at our exchange, could I afford anything that might be construed as a public impropriety on this pivotal night? One misstep, and months of carefully cultivating my immaculate reputation could implode in delicious disaster.

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