Chapter 16

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Waking up in Allistair's arms felt like heaven. "Hello, handsome," I whispered, pressing a soft kiss against his cheek as we lay tangled between the sheets. In that tender moment, as I looked at him, so strong yet gentle, my heart swelled with warmth.

"How are you feeling, my love?" he asked, his husky voice the sweetest melody to my ears.

A sigh escaped me as I melted into his touch. "Peaceful. For the first time in ages."

A soft smile spread across his lips, and I couldn't help but return it. He was the reason for this tranquility, the calm amidst the storm. His fingers gently brushed away a stray strand of hair from my face.

"I'm glad," he murmured, his eyes filled with love and pride. "You deserve to feel nothing but happiness and safety."

And in that moment, surrounded by his love, I felt like the luckiest woman alive.

Our sheltered bubble was about to burst as classes started, launching our high-stakes revolt against our fathers. With less than 48 hours before the dreaded shareholder meeting, all our hopes rested on Lucian Drago's callous hands.

As we prepared to leave, Antoine burst in, disheveled from a wild night. His hair was a mess, clothes rumpled, shirt half-open. With him were two scantily-clad women, adding to the extravagant atmosphere.

"Well, well...if it isn't my favorite lovebirds!" Antoine greeted us with a lascivious wink and waggling of eyebrows. "I hope we didn't disturb your...activities, did we?" his silly grin suggesting his night of excessive indulgence went precisely as intended.

"The maids mentioned catching some...sounds coming from your room all night long." he added mischievously intonating the last three words.

I felt heat creeping up my face, a blazing fire burning up my ears as Allistair chuckled, smoothly diverting from Antoine's lascivious teasing about our nighttime deeds.

"Looks like you're making the most of your half-ban."

"Hell yes, Barbie boy!" Antoine crowed with unrepentant zeal, ushering his companions out ahead of him. "Got some catching up to do, you know what I mean?"

"Oh, we're well aware," I retorted dryly, mustering my most withering look of icy disdain. "And I could have gone my entire life without that revolting mental imagery seared into my brain!"

Antoine threw his head back with a guffaw. "What's the matter, my dear? Don't tell me you're jealous of my energetic evenings?" He leaned in conspiratorially, his expression a mask of feigned innocence.

"Not even in your wildest dreams!" I fired back, snatching up Allistair's hand and turning on my heel to make our exit as a furious red blush crawled up my face. "We'll leave you to your...'delights'. Goodbye!"

I shook my head in exasperation as Antoine's shameless laughter echoed behind us. And yet, a tiny part of me had to admit - if only to myself - that I did sometimes envy his ability to act so brazenly without societal constraints.

The lecture hall hushed as Professor Hahn strode in, his presence demanding attention. Despite his captivating appearance, his mismatched checkered shirt was a sore sight. Still, the girls seemed smitten, despite the fashion faux pas.

I glanced around, hoping to spot Allistair, but he was nowhere to be found. Turning to Tammy beside me, I whispered, "Have you seen Allistair?" She shook her head subtly. It was odd since he had promised to be here after getting ready at his place.

Throughout the lecture, I felt Professor Hahn's gaze fixate on me, sending odd sensations through my body. Tammy seemed to pick up on the vibe too, her eyes occasionally darting to the professor with a predatory intensity.

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