Dark (🐍/🌡️)

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Tom x Reader


You were wandering around the dark halls of hogwarts mindlessly at night

You always prefer these halls after dark because thats when you could be alone with your thoughts

"What are you doing out here at this time." A loud voice boomed, you turned to see an older boy you hadn't met but you knew his name, Tom Riddle

He was frowning as he looked down on you with dead eyes "As head boy, it is my responsibility to make sure that all students of Hogwarts follow the rules, that includes you." He scolded slowly walking closer

"And as of now, I'm getting the impression that you're breaking a rule or two." He raises an eyebrow awaiting your response

"Im sorry sir" you whisper, backing away from him slightly watching his movements, you didnt know what was going to happen next

"Apologies aren't going to cut it," Tom spoke, his voice colder than ice. "You should know better." He takes another step forward, looming over you once again. You can feel his presence pressing down on you, making it hard to breathe.

His icy eyes bore into yours, searching for any sign of weakness. Suddenly, he reaches out and gently brushes a strand of hair behind your ear

A chill runs down your spine as he leans in close enough for you to smell the faint scent of darkness clinging to him. "Perhaps detention would be fitting?"

You shake your head looking into his eyes "no.." you mumble with pleading eyes"I promise this won't happen again" you tell him

There's something about the way you look at him, something vulnerable yet defiant. For a moment, he hesitates - part of him wants nothing more than to punish you for daring to disobey him; the other part finds himself intrigued by your spirit

Finally, he decides against detention. "Very well then," he says softly, stepping back with a small smile playing on his lips. "But remember, I am always watching." With that ominous warning ringing in your ears, he turns on his heel and disappears around the corner, leaving you alone in the eerie silence of the corridor

You were shook up after the interaction normal you found comfort in the silence of these halls now you just felt cold after a while you quickly shuffle back to your dorm

As you hurry back to your dormitory, your heart still racing from the encounter with Head Boy Riddle, you can't help but wonder what just happened

Was it really just a simple mistake? Or did he sense something more sinister lurking within you?

A shiver runs down your spine as you rush into your dorm, you shut and lock the main door before rushing over to the windows and making sure they were latched

You take a deep breath and notice all your dorm mates in deep sleep you take this moment to change out of your uniform leaving you in a tank top and panties before you climbed into your bed

In the quiet solitude of your mind, images of Tom Riddle continue to dance across your thoughts. His piercing gaze seems to penetrate deep into your soul, stirring feelings you didn't know existed

As you lay in bed, unable to sleep, you can't help but fantasize about being under his control, submitting entirely to his dark desires. Your breath quickens at the thought of him commanding you, whispering words of power that send shivers down your spine

Despite knowing it's wrong, the forbidden thrill excites you beyond measure at some point you were able to drift to sleep

Your dreamscape morphs into an erotic scene filled with darkness and desire. You find yourself bound in chains,

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