Chapter 1

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In the rugged lands of ancient Scandinavia, where the icy winds howl across vast plains and towering mountains, there lived a fierce band of warriors known far and wide as the Vikings. Among them were three bold and valiant men: Ashton, Calum, and Luke.

Michael, a lowly villager, hailed from a small village nestled amidst the lush greenery of the fjords. He had a heart as wild as the roaring seas. But fate had a twist in store for him, as his village fell prey to the raids of the very Vikings he would come to despise.

It was a cold morning as the vikings descended upon Michael's village, pillaging and plundering with ruthless efficiency.

Michael was hidden, squeezed inside a tiny enclosure where the chickens normally hid from storms. The pound of boots ran past him every few minutes, and the screams of his fellow villagers was almost unbearable. He knew he wouldn't make it out alive if he left his spot, Michael wasn't much of a fighter after all.

He had always feared this day would come, but in a sense he was happy it happened now. Not in the future when he would be forced to show his valor and bravery by protecting his wife and children.

His breathing was heavy as another set of feet ran past, stopping suddenly by his head.

"Well what do we have here..." a gravelly voice said. Michael squeaked as a hand reached under the covering and grabbed him by his hair, pulling him away from safety.

Tears were welling in Michael's eyes, his scalp was screaming for relief and his heart pounded so hard he missed the viking's next words,

"Look at me," the man said, forcing Michael to look him in the eyes. The giant man had an odd expression on his face, something Michael couldn't quite discern.

What Michael didn't know was that as soon as the Viking saw the set of light green eyes cowering in fear, shiny from unspilled tears, he knew he could not leave him behind.

"Let's get you to safety eh?" the man, Ashton, said. He loosened his grip on Michael's hair, lowering it to the nape of his neck. Michael squirmed in his hold, uncomfortable in the way the man touched him. He knew he had no choice now, he would take any kindness he was shown. Even if it meant being kidnapped. He just didn't want to die.

He had long lost his mother and father, the only thing he had left was his community...and now that would be burned to the ground. The burnt down building as black as the night sky.

If he was kidnapped his closest kin would be with him still.

Michael watched in horror as his village was burned. The fires rose high into the sky, ruining the beauty of the stars.

"PLEASE, MAKE THEM STOP!" Michael shouted, tugging at the man's arm. He heard women screaming and the thought of what could be happening made him sick. He keeled over, retching into the dirt.

Another man strode over to them, as a horn blew from the ship, "get him up and in the ship if you're taking him with us," the man with short dark hair made a face as he looked at Michael gag, 'disgusting peasant." he spat, kicking up dirt into Michael's face as he turned and stalked to the ship.

Ashton's grip tightened on Michael's shoulder, offering some semblance of reassurance. With a swift motion, he hoisted Michael to his feet, his touch firm.

"Easy there, lad," Ashton said softly, his voice a soothing contrast to the destruction surrounding them. "We'll get you out of here."

Michael stumbled alongside Ashton, his legs weak from the trauma of witnessing his home being engulfed in flames. He cast one last glance over his shoulder, the sight of his village consumed by fire etching itself into his memory like a scar upon his soul.

As they reached the longship, Michael's heart sank at the realization of what lay ahead. He was being taken captive by the very men who had torn apart his world, forced to sail away from everything he had ever known.

Boarding the ship, Michael was met with a mixture of curious stares and dismissive glances from the other Vikings. Among them stood Calum, his expression unreadable as he watched the scene unfold.

Ashton guided Michael to a secluded corner of the ship, away from the prying eyes of the crew. Sitting beside him, Ashton offered a waterskin, the simple act of kindness a stark contrast to the brutality Michael had witnessed.

"Drink," Ashton urged gently. "It'll help settle your stomach."

Reluctantly, Michael accepted the waterskin, taking a few cautious sips as he struggled to process the emotions raging within him. The taste of saltwater mingled with the bitter tang of fear on his tongue, a bitter reminder of the harsh reality he now faced.

"Thank you," Michael whispered, his voice barely audible above the sound of the waves crashing against the hull.

Ashton offered a reassuring smile, his eyes warm. "You're safe now, lad. I'll take care of you."

Though the words offered some measure of comfort, Michael couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that gripped his heart. He was adrift in a sea, torn between the anguish of his past and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

As the longship sailed into the unknown horizon, Michael clung only to the clothes on his back, rocking softly back and forth where he sat shivering. His cheeks grew pink as the salt water air pelted against his skin.

He watched as the crew worked the ship with a rhythm, moving around each other with precision like it was all they'd ever done.

Ashton had long left Michael, the older man having never introduced himself.

Michael wondered as he sat there why the man was showing mercy. Certainly the man with black hair would not have. He probably would have lit Michael's body on fire and then tossed it into the ocean to put it out, just so he could do it all over again.

Michael had no doubt about that.

As the crew worked, Michael had to work hard to avoid making eye contact with the grumpy viking who stood in a doorway constantly watching him with his condescending eye.

Michael's stomach rumbled with hunger, but the young man didn't take notice. His determination to pay attention to his surroundings and not be taken for surprise should anything happen was commendable. He wanted nothing more than to hide. Even if it was here, on the viking ship. He just didn't want to be looked at anymore, Calum's stares were messing with him.

His attention was stolen away from his discomfort as he saw a tall, slender man walk out of the lower deck. Even from his distance he could see the man's melancholy blue eyes, the color of the cold ocean water.

And in that moment, all Michael could think was how this blonde man was absolutely mesmerizing.


Author's note:

Welp.  We'll see how this one goes.


1/2 of Kristin

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