The decision made

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Inasmuch as Jay is convincing me to move in with him,

"Never forget your happiness and destiny remains here and not in Grand Amber" the last words my grandmother keeps echoing in my mind.

She always warns me not to have anything doing with this very place every time we hear bad news about the late King, the wars and massacre of innocent lives.

I'm constantly reminded I have no future whatsoever here until I met Jayden.

He has managed to capture my heart, made me fall in love for the first time and now we're getting married.

What's there to fear when I have the assurance of a King's Beta, his second in command of an entire kingdom?

He's going to be my husband

"So are we going to get married here?" I ask. I have had my whole life, friends, education and work in the Power Onyx, this change is so drastic for me.

"Yes." He responds proudly, touching my long wavy brunette hair and playing with it

I'm not enthused with this

He continues, "Cheer up my love. You know, it would have been different if I hadn't received this promotion from the King. I will have to show myself worthy by going through hectic training, series of examinations and practice within this period"

"I wish we had gotten married earlier before this great news break out. Then you would have  moved in with me and joined the Power Onyx army." I let out a sigh

Although I'm not sure they would release him that easily seeing how mighty he fights for them. Jayden is an exceptionally excellent gallant commander to the Grand Amber Kingdom. They've seen his impact and dedication thus, awarded him with this honour

However, this is just the right thing at the wrong time to me.

We had already planned to get married in three months time after Jayden proposed, before this news. All the same we have no intention of postponing our wedding

He hoists me up in a sitting position with my legs by his sides and faces up to kiss me.

I take his lips in mine for a while we get lost in the moment of passionate romance...

Pausing to catch our breath

"I can't wait to show you off to the world. Let all the ladies in Amber die of envy to know that I —Jayden Hanni—belong with you and the men in Onyx know that you belong with me" He sweetly confesses

"You are the first man I've ever loved Jay and shall be the last. I'll be proud to be your wife....wherever" I say looking into his hazel eyes

Jayden is handsome, with cute facial features but tough body. He is full of chivalry and was brought up from a good home.

He is the kind of man who hates to disappoint and I'm glad I gave him a chance.

Jayden was there for me when I had no one. Even when there was series of war and attack against us by his late King, he would always come and protect me, guide me to safety before going back.

Initially, I couldn't accept his friendship because of what their kingdom represent but with time, I realized he's different from his people.

It was a good news to us when everything cooled off between the Grand Amber and Power Onyx kingdoms owing to the death of the late King Izhbahek Zell, the brother of King Ozban Zell, his successor.

Ozban has proven to be much different and the opposite of late brother...but then it seems he has no interest in ruling. It's quite unfortunate he wants to step down for the Prince to take over.

An act nobody understands why.

"As the wife of a Beta, you shall enjoy certain privileges and benefits. If you want we can enroll you in the best University, get you a well paying job in the castle, you can be a supervisor or a personal assistant to the Queen. You wouldn't lack or want for anything. "

"Oh wow! You don't say... this promises to be good" I retort with a smile

"Better than staying in Power Onyx, working as a waitress and enrolled in college, my love. You'll have a brighter future here I can bet on that with my last penny" Jayden has over the years, told me about the exciting prospects of living in Grand Amber as they are a Superior kingdom...but that was when he wasn't elected into a higher office.

"Okay, it is settled then" I agree

"You can get me the list of all those you would want to invite for our wedding, I will work on getting carriages to transport them here and back" He says and I squeal in happiness

"Oh my god! Jay. Thanks for making me the happiest woman on earth"

Just when he was about to say something I shut him up with my finger on his lips "shuuush"

"Now. Please fuck me... diligently"

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