Be prepared

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My speed, agility, skills and fights were tested. At the training grounds, I was made to wrestle and defeat one hundred and seventy soldiers under two minutes. This was for stage one.

Now, I have to pass the Beta's examination in stage two. To test the depth of my knowledge on the regulations, history, how to work, talk and relate to the King's rulership as well as the other royal subjects.

It's a probation period even though the King has singled me out for this position, I have to prove I'm worthy of it or else the enviable badge will be passed on to another deserving person.

Stage three will be a practical of what I've learnt so far and it instructed by the King Ozban.

He calls me into his chambers.

"The Prince wants to be announced as King at the Royal Ball...what is your take on that?" He asks

This is a surprising news and I know there's also a conflict here.

The Prince has not shown interest in any royal affairs during the period of his father's demise until I was introduced to him as my beta.

A clear indication King Ozban is forced to unseat the throne. We don't know why but we can't question it.

"If he is going to be known as King on that day, then he'll need his Beta ready to stand by his side," I say

Technically that's the point.

"Good" King Ozban says and gets closer to my ears "He may have it his way now but between you and I, you're going to be my informant. Remember I'm giving you this position because I trust you to deliver, watch him closely and report back to me on everything" He speaks sternly in my ear with seriousness laced in his tone.

My first time seeing the King acting desperate this way but I know he means well.

"Your word, my honour" I respond dutifully in courtesy

I understand that my loyalty should be to him and not the Prince.

"You've passed the final stage. I can see you are prepared to take up the task."

"Thank you, your highness" even though, I didn't know it was a test.

"Okay, you are  dis-"

"My king" he call his attention just when he was about dismiss me

"Yes. Is there anything else?" He asks

"There is. I am planning on getting introducing my wife-to-be at the Royal Ball before we officially get married"

"Okay so?"

"But since I'm going to be inaugurated as Beta on that very day due to the sudden change of events, I humbly plead your indulgence for authorization on my behalf"

"And why would you need my authorization to announce your nuptials?"

"She is not a member of our kingdom" I boldly tell him

"Wow.. now that's interesting. Which kingdom is she from?"

"Power Onyx"

"Even more interesting. This is going to be the first. Grand Amber and Power Onyx...Hope you know that?"

"Certainly I do."

"I can see you've already made uo your mind so what's her name?" He asks

"Lorena Soaree Giudhad"

"Strange. That name sounds familiar, I may not recollect but I don't think you'll need my authorization for that since I won't be King anymore, you will need the incoming King's authorization," he points out clearly

"Well noted!" I respond

"Nonetheless, you have my word to keep that in mind and step in the matter" He assures me

"Thank you" I let out a sigh of relief.
That was what I wanted to hear.

Author's Note
It's getting interesting from this point...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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