The mirage

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Sitting at the dining table with my brother Jason and parents whiles enjoying sumptuous dinner

"We're proud of you son, that's a mind-blowing honour and recognition you've received," my father expresses his joy

"But, we still have no idea who this lucky woman is...when are you bringing her home son?" My mom asks. "Showing us her picture is not enough...yes she's very beautiful but we need to see the real deal" she stresses with concern written on her face

"I'm planning on doing that at the Royal Ball, to show her to you and the entire kingdom before we tied the knot" I tell them

"Don't you think that would be too much pressure for her to handle bro, she is not acquainted with this place. And I  must say, I'm clearly having my doubts about you marrying someone from Power Onyx. We have more beautiful girls here...take example, Laila, she has always been in love with you and worships the ground you step on. But this Lorena girl, we know little to nothing about her, absolutely nothing " Jason's words sting my ears

He may be right but he can't decide for me just because he's the eldest.

"If you're jealous of me getting married before you, just say it bro and stop this insinuation" I challenge.

"Also, I don't and will never love Laila. I've tried before but it didn't work and you're aware of it"

"It didn't work out because you didn't reciprocate and I'm not jealous okay? Mom and dad will agree that I'm stating the facts here. They're just keeping their calm because they respect you so much and are happy with the badge you're wearing" He continues

"He's right son. We have our misgivings but most importantly we want to see you happy with the woman you love" my dad says

He always understands me.

"Thank you dad. I can assure you that I'm making the right decision. My heart belongs to Lorena. I love her and want her to be mine forever" I profess to them

"Is she going to move and be with you or you're still going to do this long distance relationship thing?" My mom asks

"Mmm hmm. She has agreed to move from there." I respond with a broad smile spreading on my face

"Aww my son is in love" my dad beams

"I can see you're elated and have made up your mind. We can't stop you bro" Jason says whiles tapping my back

"So don't try to. Just be a supportive big bro and accept Lorena as your sister-in-law. The earlier the better"

Talking about Lorena, I've just remembered to call her.

I enter my room to see her missed calls whiles my phone was on charge

"So sorry my love I was having dinner with my family and left the phone on charge in my room." I explain

"No worries honey...and thank you! I love your surprise. Such classic elegant dress. Must've cost you a fortune"

"Nothing spent on you is a fortune. You deserve it and more. Don't forget my wealth is your wealth and any man who cannot spoil the woman he loves with his money, is useless." I meant what I said and overhead her sweet giggles

Her laughter is my joy. "That's the million dollar sound I want to hear" I'm attracted to everything about her. Her voice, smiles, laughter, hourglass body and scent.

"I appreciate it so much, words fail me. I'm really going to turn heads with this dress!" she exclaims

"I don't mind you turning heads or legs, women getting envious at you and men getting turned on when they see you, as long as they dare not touch what is mine, they're considered safe from the swing of my sword on the throats"

"OK! if you say so my love...umm hope you do know why I was calling right?"

"Yes I do.. the notice I added, about getting you introduced at the ball"

"Of course, is that necessary? Coz I'm sure they'll definitely get to know ame after the wedding" she questions

"You're not wrong there my love... but there's a little concern that calls for the introduction"

"And what is that?"

"My status is going to work will be in the castle beside the King D'Albernon as beta and, I'm getting married to someone who is not a citizen of Grand Amber. Looking at the unpleasant history between your kingdom and mine, that will be the perfect time to introduce you. This is the first time such news is being heard." I point out to her

I'm sure she's not aware of this information. Intermarriage between our kingdoms has been prohibited due to an ancient feud and rivalry between Grand Amber and Power Onyx. However, the death of the late evil King Izhbahek has been a blessing which ruled out that decree.

Ever since then we are able to get close to each other but there hasn't been any record of marriage between both kingdoms .

Ours is going to the first.

A bold step I decided to take for the price of love and to pave way for others —who are living in fear—to same.

"Then I need to prep myself ready for this day" she says

"You'll have me by your side so you don't feel nervous " I understand how she feels. Getting accustomed to this new changes is challenging for her

But I'll guide her through so she doesn't feel lost or confuse.

"So, when is this ball happening?"

"Five days to our wedding. I hope your have your list of invitees ready"

"I guess we have some time on our hands. By the way, let's expect thirty people from my end."

"That's so little but if it's fine by you...why not. We're having a magnificent one so expect nothing simple Lori."

"Oh really! This is just too much, I'm not too popular like you."

"Yes my love.. don't hesitate to call me for any assistance. Just know that your hair, dresses, make-ups and everything is sorted out by very best professional stylists."

"So this is what will do. I'll be rounding off my school's assignment and working on the transfer process after this semester's exams, send my resignation letter to my manager with prior notice at the hotel before coming over for the Royal Ball, then return to work on my packing and movement and be ready for our wedding"

"Sounds like a plan." I affirm

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