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Prince pov

I was sent far away to live with the druids in Baccus Kingdom for eleven years when I was seven.

My father, the late King, did that to protect me from the many enemies he had created till died of poisoning, five years ago. It wasn't until after the news of death had fully spread all over, that I was granted permission to return and I haven't seen my mother ever since I left.

Someone in this kingdom  murdered him. I know who my suspects are.

My uncle and his dear wife managed to take over the throne in my absence and successfully deceived the world that I'm their long lost son, in the name of 'protecting me' when he can't admit he's impotent with a barren wife.

Rumours were spread that the King's son had died at the time when I was sent away.

They will suffer worst fate than death if they have a hand in my father's death or my mother's disappearance.

"It's one thing to enjoy the power and another thing to dictate to me Ozban. I'm a grown man!" Walking briskly towards him at the balcony I spit out my disgust

"How dare you decide on who should be my beta without consulting me first?"

"Calm down my son-"

"And don't you dare call me your son! You can let everyone wallow in that lie but you're not my father!" The fumes of my anger caused a thunderous sound from the clouds

They have no idea how powerful I've become, born to a hybrid father and lived with the druids. I possess strong essence from within that can destroy anyone in a blink. But I've learn to control my powers over the years

"I -I'm sorry for not letting you know. Everyone in this kingdom can attest that Jayden Hanni is the best right-hand man for you. The highest ranking commander, you can put him on a trial test and see how he fights," he says.

"Are you trying to say I can't rule this kingdom on my own? I've been patient with you these past five years and seen how weak you've handled everything. Yet, you expect my trust on this?" I question his integrity

"My Prince, you know I have no interest in being king. It was your father's dying wish. Besides I have no heir. That's the main reason why I want to guide you in making the right decision for us all" He tries to sound sincere

I still can't believe his words. He's just trying to patronize me because he's afraid of me and what I'm capable of doing.
His show of concern towards me, makes me sick.

"Henceforth let it be known to you or whomever it may concern, no one tells me what to do. When I ascend this throne, there will be drastic changes. My father's legacy will still thrive. Berbidon, Lycthi and Onyx kingdom will have one ruler,as king." I point out clear to him

To hell with all the peace treaties and treachery condonment.

"B-but my Prince-"

"On second thought, don't you think it's high time you dropped that title and call me your king? Or has it not dawned on you yet that you are going to make the announcement at the Royal Ball?" I take him by surprise

If he thinks he has the right to choose for me, I'll show him I set the pace and it will be on my clock

"At the Royal Ball? But that is not the agreement? Your official announcement will be made at the induction which will be after the ball"

"Tell me uncle, what is the purpose of that Ball? We frolicking around and wasting our time on utter nonsense introductions for what? You will announce me as king on that day or you take you last breath. You know I can rearrange you brains and force you to do it but I wouldn't want the citizens of Grand Amber to see that there is a mad man in my family. So do we have an agreement?"

I didn't like his silence and hesitation

"Don't make an irrational decisions that will cost us a great damage we might not recover from my Prince- umm king" he corrects quickly

I wrap my hand over his short delicate neck without much pressure,  drawing my powers around it in circular motion as he gasp for air and cries out in pain

"DO WE HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING?!" I repeat strongly with authority he can't withstand

"Yeesss my king,"he chokes out and I release him

"Now that sounds like an orchestra in my ears" I straighten his royal robe and delight in feel of his shudder under my touch.

"Good." I take my leave


I hold a dirty piece of an old note in my hand.

"I, King Izhbahek Zell, thereby issue an official decree to the whole of Grand Amber and Power Onyx kingdom that my son, Prince D'Albernon is betrothed and shall marry Soaree Giudhad when he assumes the throne as king"

Signed by both parents
Paul Soaree and Marta Giudhad

17 years ago,

"So that's your daughter right? How long do you think you can hide this truth from me, forgetting I'm king"

"My Lord, please" she kneels before him and prays for forgiveness

"This is your punishment for lying to me. Your daughter will marry my son. When she is of age, you'll bring her to me. Do I make myself clear?" My father speaks infuriatedly to a woman holding a little girl in her hand

"My lord, please spare us. She's innocent.. I can't let my daughter suffer an ill-fate because of me" the woman responds tearfully

"Shut up! You had a child with your lover from the Power Onyx and you were still seeing him secretly. Do you take me for a fool? The only thing stopping me from killing you just like I did to your lover is how I want you to see this day" the pain of heartbreak can be felt in his voice

As a kid I never understood why my father was married to my mom and fell in love with another, who is just a pauper. Someone who clearly doesn't love him back

"Never! It will be over my dead body that my daughter will ever marry your son or have any association with your accursed kingdom" she spits out in anger

"Let me just remind you, that your child's father has already given his consent before I gave him the opportunity of seeing the afterlife. You are going to mark this decree with your blood willingly or you witness the death of your daughter. Your choice"

"Noooo!!" Her screams of agony pierce through my ears and my heart.

I turn to look a the innocent beautiful girl who is subjected to this dilemma, crying uncontrollably and I couldn't bare it anymore.

I run to hug her, console her but was held back by my father's guards.

"So what's it going to be?" He asks

The woman agrees by pricking her forefinger with a needle to mark the written decree with her blood.

"Forgive me, my daughter" were her last words before taking the knife from the table and stabbing herself to death. Denying my father the privilege of ending her life or living to witness her marriage to me in future.

The last news I heard was how she was sent to live with her grandmother .

Till now, I don't know the fate of this girl, what has become of her and I'm glad it's the way it is. I wouldn't want to marry someone who has been betrothed to me out of spite...when I can have any woman I want at my disposal .

The focus on my mind now is making my grand entry at the Royal Ball as Ozban announces me as King of Grand Amber.

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