Chapter 5

5 0 0

it was an endless cycle, fake smiles, speeches, lies, then sleep. the edges started to blur and it was difficult to determine your life from the lies that you told to the public.

"i'm doing fine"

"i feel really good"

"i am over it."

you were always a good liar, explaining away the bruises on your body and eventually the  neat lines of cuts snaking its way up your arms


"(y/n) what is that."


the teacher pointed to  the small portion of your wrist that was visible under your long shirt sleeves

"oh, its nothing, i had a hair tie around my wrist and it dug into me a little" you pulled your sleeve down and blushed, your stomach felt like it had been set on fire, anxiety becoming a dull and continues ache.

"oh ok"

she walked away amongst the other students occasionly bending down to check a peice of work

you could feel the eyes staring into your back, it was like they were burning holes through you. a peice of paper landed in your lap.

your fingers fumbled as you smoothed the paper onto your knees

'i know what you are slut.'

tears burned behind your eyes and you could feel your feelings bubble inside of you, in need of a way out

another peice of paper landed in your lap and with shaking hands you opened it up, this time the paper was folded neatly into a square instead of scrunched into a ball, and you could see peeta's delicate fingers had created the precise folds.''

'(y/n/n) we need to talk. i know. '

- P ♥

 you turned around and glanced at him, he made a phone sign with his han and you nodded pulling out your phone under the desk

Peet ❤️




Peet ❤️

i know


you know what?

Peet ❤️

your arms

Peet ❤️

that wasn't a hair tie



Peet ❤️

a hair tie doesn't cut into your skin


im fine

Peet ❤️

pls (y/n) let me help




iv'e got it under controll

Peet ❤️





just don't tell anyone

Peet ❤️

if you don't let me help im going to have to


no please

Peet ❤️

let me help

Peet ❤️

this is serious


im only saying yes so you won't snitch

Peet ❤️

i love you

your eyes darted up and you stared at him. you hadn't used ' the l word' (and no i dont mean lesbian) yet

then you quickly typed it out


i Love you to


with a capital letter.

a/n: ok so im really sorry to ask but could you comment any ideas you have because i left this story so long i forgot where it was going lol

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