Tease - Damon

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Smut (kind of?)

You woke up with the sun shining brightly through the window. You roll over in bed expecting to see Damon next to you instead, you are met with his empty and messy side of the bed. You look around for a second before hearing him walking in the hall towards your bedroom. He walks in dressed nicely holding his phone to his ear with one hand and the other holding a cup of coffee.

"Mornin sexy" he smirks at you

"Morningg," you say while stretching

"One second Liz," Damon says into his phone before setting it down on the bedside table. "I heard you wake up so I brought you some coffee" he smiles

"Thanks" you smile and take a drink. "Why are you dressed so nice?" you question

"The council called a meeting with another town nearby about some 'animal attacks'" he rolls his eyes dramatically

"Well have fun with that" you giggle and give him a peck on the cheek

He gives you a smile before grabbing his phone and continuing his conversation while walking downstairs. You lay in bed for a bit while scrolling on your phone and drinking the coffee Damon made you. But eventually, you decide that you should probably start getting ready for the day. You get out of bed and go into the bathroom to take a shower.

After the shower, you brush your teeth and put on one of Damon's t-shirts along with some pajama shorts. You head to the basement to get breakfast but on your way down you see Damon sitting on the couch looking at his computer.

"I thought you left?" you asked

"Oh yeah it's on a stupid online meeting because apparently, a few people on the council caught the flu," Damon says annoyed

You shrugged and made your way to the fridge in the basement for some A positive. While drinking your third or fourth pouch you think about how uptight and absent Damon has been these past couple of days so you come up with a fun plan. You have been missing his attention lately and decide that you're going to try to... mess with him. You go back up to where you last saw Damon. Like you had expected he was still sitting on the couch with a bored expression on his face. You smirk to yourself and think mission ultimate tease is in action in three, two....

"Hey Damon!" you whisper-yell

You wait a second for Damon to take his eyes off the computer and right as he looks up you lift your shirt and flash him, knowing how much he loves to see your tits. You giggle while looking at Damon staring you down like his brain just exploded.

"Hey guys I'll be right back" Damon interrupted the person on the computer and slammed it shut. "God I hate you," he said while vamp speeding over to you

"That seemed like a pretty important meeting you should probably go back to it and you know you love me" you smile, looking up at him

He just looks at you for a minute before giving up. "Ugh fine you're right but you'll pay for that later" he growls, walking back over to the computer

A few hours later you were reading in your room when you heard a couple of people come into the house and figured that Damon just invited over a few friends. But you decide to go downstairs to mess with Damon some more. When you get into the hall you call out for Damon.

"Hey, Damon can you come here for a minute!?" you yell

You hear Damn excuse himself and walk to the hall. He turns the corner and walks over to you.

"Hey baby you need something?" he asks

"Nope, just bored" you smile before grabbing him by the collar and pulling him into a deep kiss. The kiss quickly gets intense, and Damon's hands travel down your back to your ass. He gave your butt a tap indicating to jump. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he pressed you against the wall. Your hands made a mess of his hair while he sucked on your neck. Damon had accidentally sucked a bit too hard so you pushed him off you and pinned him to the wall, using your vamp strength, with a big thud.

"Everything okay over there?" you heard Stefan yell from the dining room.

"All good just tripped" you yelled back trying not to laugh

You quickly went back to kissing Damon and left a trail of kisses down his neck. You then suddenly stopped, looked up at him, and smirked. "You should probably go back to your friends before they get worried"

"Oh come on" he looked at you eagerly

"Byeee" you laughed while turning around and walking upstairs. Suddenly Damon appeared in front of you, "I'll get you later." he said lustfully

Pt 2?

(802 words)

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