Forever Lover - Klaus

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You are woken up by the sun shining brightly through the thin blinds. You groan and get up to close the blackout curtains so you can continue to sleep peacefully.

"Good morning love," Klaus says with a raspy voice

You smile and make your way back to the comfy bed still half asleep.

"Morning baby," you say, placing a peck on his soft lips.

As soon as you lay underneath the blankets Klaus pulls you closer to him.

"Goodness you are always so cold" Klaus whispers into your ear.

"Good thing you are literally a walking heater" You laugh softly into the crook of his neck

You wrap your arms around your shirtless boyfriends and slowly drift back to sleep. You lay there knowing that you are safe and extremely loved. You know, with your entire heart, that he is the man you will marry and spend the rest of eternity with.

"I love you so much, Klaus" you whisper on the verge of falling asleep

"And I love you so much more, y/n," he says kissing your forehead

(173 words)

I know this was super short but I legit did not know what more to write.

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