Secret Santa - Elena

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(h/l = hair length, h/c = hair color)


"Okay so everyone just needs to pick a name from the hat and whoever you get is who you have to buy for," Caroline said as she put the folded-up pieces of paper into a baseball cap.

You all go around in a circle and take a piece of paper. You pull one out and unfold it,


Out of all of the people I had to get Elena? You've been dating for three years and out of all the years you have known her one of the many things you've learned about her is that she is impossible to buy for.

You're in your room a few hours later, looking online for something to get her. A new mixtape? No. Best Girlfriend t-shirt? No, that's cringe.

"Ugh, why can't I find anything." you think to yourself. You look around your room and spot your new Polaroid camera. Suddenly an idea pops into your head. Everyone is out at the bar so you grab the camera and dig through the drawers to find your favorite lingerie sets. After you take a whole array of spicy pictures, you grab your phone and hit record (If ykyk). You uploaded the video to the computer and then put it onto a USB. You take all the Polaroids and put them into a photo album. You then put the album and the USB into a gift box and put a note on top that said,

"Make sure to look at these when you're alone 😉


Christmas Eve night you put the gift under the tree in the library of the Salvatore boarding house along with all the other gifts.

You can't wait to see Elena's reaction tomorrow.

The next morning

You are woken up by Damon shaking you,

"Wake up I want to open my gifts" Damon whined,

You lightly hit Elena on her arm for her to wake up. You put on some pajama pants and walk out with Elena to the living room. Caroline hands me a cup of coffee as we watch Stefan hand out gifts. Everybody takes turns opening theirs. You get a sexy new dress and heels from Bonnie, she says that you need some hotter clothes. You thank her and Elena starts opening her gift. She ripped off the bow and opened the box. She looked up at me and you just smirked back,

"I'll be right back," Elena excused herself, taking the gift with her

Caroline looks at you and smiles, "What was that about?" She laughs

"Oh, nothing..." You smile back

Caroline and Bonnie giggle, "Ah, I get it now," Caroline continues giggling to herself

About twenty minutes later Elena comes back into the living room where the rest of us are, looking very flustered. She walks over to where you are sitting on the couch and plops down next to you.

"Thanks for the warning note because I am now extremely horny" she whispers into your ear

"Want to go back to our room for a bit?" you smile

"Obviously" she responds a bit annoyed

You immediately stand up and grab her hand. You use your vamp speed to get to your guys' room. You shut the door behind you and turn to walk over to Elena who had already made herself comfy on the bed. You slide onto the bed and sit in Elena's lap.

"Hi beautiful" you bite your lip seeing her look at you so eagerly

With your hands in her hair, you pull her close and kiss her. You slowly push her down so she is lying down and you leave a trail of kisses down her neck until you get to her shirt. You grab the bottom of her loose t-shirt and pull it over her head. You kiss her breast through the thin and laced bra she is wearing. You leave small kisses down her chest and stomach. She whimpers at your soft touch, wanting more. When you reach her shorts you rip them off along with her underwear, leaving her bottom half completely exposed. You smirk and admire her already dripping entrance. You kiss and leave hickeys on her inner thighs.

"y/n, please," She whimpers, "I need you"

You lift her thighs over your shoulders and kitten lick her pussy.

"Please!" she begged, even though it turns her on even more when you are dominant. She loves it when you are in charge in the bedroom with her. She thinks it is sexy when you boss her around and control her.

You pump a finger into her which makes her moan, very loudly. As you finger-fuck her, you start swirling your tongue around her clit.

"Oh my god y/n," Elena moans your name and grips your h/l h/c hair in her hands.

You curl your fingers, hitting Elena's G-spot, making her moan even louder. You quicken your pace and start using your vamp speed, which you know will get Elena over the edge. But before you let her cum you swap the places of your fingers and tongue. You eat her out like a starving animal while your thumb teases her clit. Elena screams out your name and tugs at your hair, making you groan. The vibration of your groan sends her over the edge. She cums on your face, while screaming your name.

After helping her ride out her high, you walk to your bathroom leaving her shaking and panting from pleasure on the bed. You come back with a damp cloth and clean Elena up. You kiss her, allowing her to taste herself on your lips.

"You taste so sweet" you smirk down at her, kissing her again

"Thanks" she laughs breathlessly

After a few minutes of letting her calm down and regain her strength, you both walk downstairs to get a post-sex snack.

You walk into the kitchen with Elena's hand in yours. When you walk in you are met with some of your friends with annoyed looks on their faces.

"What's wrong with them?" Elena whispers into your ear.

"What's wrong is that you, Elena, need to learn to be more quiet while getting your shit rocked!" Caroline laughed out loud.

Elena's face quickly grew bright red.

"Don't worry I didn't mind," Damon patted her shoulder while leaving the room, "God I love lesbians" You heard him mumble, which made you laugh.

(1035 words)

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