Best Friends Brother pt. 2 - Jeremy

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You both climb into the back seat and go back to how you were on the bench.

"Thank you for bringing me here, it's beautiful" you smile, looking up at him

"You're beautiful" he smiles back at you

For a second you think about kissing him but decide not to.

Wait I don't care if Elena doesn't like this. You think to yourself. You bring yourself up to his face and place a soft kiss on his lips. You pull away and smile. Jeremy has a look of shock mixed with joy on his face.

"Well don't just stare at me say something!" you giggle

He responds by cupping your face in his hands and pulling you into a long, passionate kiss. The small kiss quickly turns into a hot make-out session. You slowly move onto his lap, now straddling him your hands make their way to his hair while his hands rest on your lower back. You start kissing his jaw down to his neck. You leave small love bites and hickeys that make him groan and buck his hips. The sudden movement makes you gasp, Jeremy quickly moves in to hungrily kiss you. Your fingers tugged at the hem of his t-shirt, he pulled away from the kiss and ripped his shirt off, revealing his toned abdomen.

He flipped the two of you over, so you were now lying on your back with him hovering over you. With one swift movement, he pulled your dress off of you, leaving you in your black lace bra and panties.

"Woah" Jeremy stared at your gorgeous body in awe

He starts attacking your body with kisses while undoing his belt and then kicking off his jeans. You reach behind your back and quickly unhook your bra, throwing it somewhere in the car. He kisses you once more before pulling off your underwear. You bite your lip realizing you are completely bare beneath him.

"You really want to do this?" Jeremy asks, smirking

"Duh, otherwise I wouldn't be naked," you giggle while rolling your eyes

He dug into his jeans that were on the floor, pulling out a condom.

"Don't worry I'm on the pill" You put your hand on his and smirk up at him

He smiled and pulled off his boxer, your jaw dropped after seeing how big he was. He lined himself up at your already dripping core and slowly pushed himself in. He gave you a second to adjust before pulling almost all the way out and slamming back into you hitting your G-spot. You moaned his name loudly as he continued. Your nails scratched at his bare back, drawing some blood, causing him to groan.

"Oh my god Jer don't stop!" you screamed

He placed his hand next to your head for support and you played with your tits, twisting and pinching your nipples. Jeremy loved seeing you like this, you beneath him screaming his name. He's dreamed of this many times over and he wanted to make sure you would remember this forever. His hand slid down between you and used his thumb to play with your clit. This sent you over the edge, you clawed into his back and screamed his name. Finishing with you, he helped ride out your high. He pulled out and grabbed some baby wipes from the center console. After cleaning yourselves you put on your panties and his t-shirt. He put his head on your chest and covered the two of you with the blanket.

"I think I love you Jer," you said playing with his already messy hair

"I love you too y/n" he closed his eyes

You woke up the next morning to the sound of your phone ringing. You looked around and realized you were still in the back seat with Jeremy.

"Oh crap.." you whisper to yourself while looking for your phone

You find your phone and see that it is Elena calling, you answer nervously.

"Hello?" you whisper into the phone

"Where the hell are you, you were supposed to meet me and Caroline for brunch and shopping?!" Elena yelled

You looked at the clock on your phone and saw that it was already 11:30 AM. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry I slept in!" You whisper yelled, trying not to wake up Jeremy

"Who's that?" Jeremy asked still half asleep

"Was that my brother?!" Elena yelled again

You pushed your hand against Jeremy's mouth, "Omg whatttt, okay I'll see you soon, love you byeee!" you yelled

"Wait y/n why is my bro-" you cut her off by hanging up the phone.

"Was that my sister?" Jeremy asked worriedly

"Maybe.." you laughed awkwardly

"Oh well," Jeremy shrugged, placing a peck on your lips

(769 words)

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