You Have Me Written All Over You - Kai

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(sorry) A/N: Okay, so I really want to do a Teen Wolf one-shot book but I'm unsure. What do you guys think? (I'll prob do it anyway js so I have an excuse to write Dylan O'Brien smut ToT)

Written by: high-supernatural on Tumblr

Warnings: Smut, degrading, toys, Kai is consensually mean

Summary: Kai & reader are in a *decently but blissfully toxic relationship* and he decides to take her on a random road trip to an unknown destination. Things get steamy before, during, after.... it's just steamy.

Kai snuck up behind y/n who was lost in a book she was standing to put away and put his hands around her waist. She jumped and closed the book, "don't do that!" she playfully-annoyed said, putting a hand where his hands laid across her stomach and setting the book back on the shelf.

"I have a surprise," he said, "oh god, what now?" y/n replied, Kai's "surprises" usually included something that was in it for him. "Tomorrow, early in the morning, we're going on a road trip.""Where to?" y/n raised an eyebrow and slightly moved her cheek to face him. "Don't worry about that yet... don't worry about packing either, I got it covered," he kissed behind her ear.

"I don't think I trust what you'll pack for me to wear," y/n told him, turning around to face him with her arms around his neck. "Do you trust me?" Kai asked lowly. "Of course, I just don't trust you'll pack me appropriate--" Kai cut her off by getting centimeters from her lips, "if you trust me then don't worry about it," he pecked her lips and moved her arms from around his neck, "c'mon, we gotta be up early so let's relax tonight," he said with her hand in his leading them both to the bedroom.

Moments alone with Kai without other people bothering them or somebody dying were rare, so she was always fine playing along with his schemes. She'd just wish they were more intense and he would stay in one place long enough for things to get more intense. He was always static. He knew it frustrated her, so tonight he was planning something different.

They got to their bedroom and y/n noticed two backpacks on the floor that had already been packed, "those the only bags we're taking with us?" she asked. "Yup", Kai responded a little annoyed knowing she was about to ask more questions while he went to pick up a shopping bag off the floor. "Well how many days are we going to be gone? What if I need more things? Can I see what you packed for me?" she questioned.

Kai rolled his eyes and handed her the bag he grabbed, "I said it's all a surprise. The only thing you need to do right now is go put this on and watch movies with me."

"Ok....fine.. but I get to pick the first movie," she went to the bathroom to put on whatever he handed her and pulled out a light pink silk lingerie set. The top tied in the back, and the bottoms were lace lined 'really', she thought to herself and rolled her eyes.

She put it on and walked over to the bed where Kai was already settled in his 'less-than-pajamas' with a movie picked out. He sat up with one arm behind his head when she sat on her knees in front of him in the bed. "I said I was gonna pick the movie," she told him, leaning down to kiss him. He placed his hand on her knee and slid it up to her mid-thigh, the other he moved to her shoulder to pull her away softly, "I already knew what you were gonna pick," he said.He trailed his hand from her shoulder down her chest and waist until he had both hands on either side of her hips. He moved both hands up and down from her hips to the middle of her waist tightly, taking in the sight. "You look pretty in pink," he bit his lip. "Oh whatever," she said and laid next to him.

Kai pressed play and big-spooned next to her with an arm around her waist. Ten minutes into the movie he moved his hand to cup her breast through the fabric. "Kai--" y/n was cut off again, "shh, this is the best part of the movie," he lied.

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