ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ

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"hi, yoimiya

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"hi, yoimiya. or.. miya. can i call you that?" you looked over to the excited blonde, who got up and headed towards you. the brunette set down her paintbrush and followed behind. kaveh also got up and followed the rest.

"YES! yes of course!" she chirped and looked you up and down. you shuffled in your spot and looked away, eyeing ajax who was sulking in the corner with xiao, who paid him no mind.

"i'm glad you decided to join us! if you stay, that makes 6 members~" the brunette counted on her fingers, and paced around all while staring at you.

"i only see 4 people, excluding me...?" you spoke hesitantly. you tried to remember the brunette's name.

"chiori isn't here yet. she's usually late on mondays." a sort of raspy voice spoke up from the corner. it was xiao. you hadn't heard him speak before, and you took a mental note of his voice.

"um, okay. thank you." you looked back at hu tao, "and you are..?"

"hu tao. do you by chance have any old or ill family members? someone dear that may bite the dust anytime soon?" hu tao inquired, circling you. she had a sinister grin on her face, before getting pushed away by yoimiya.

"don't scare them, idiot.." yoimiya huffed and crossed her arms. "ehehe..." was all hu tao responded with.

"sorry. hu tao has this strange obsession with the dead. i think its cause her family runs a funeral parlor. wangshu funeral parlor, heard of it?" yoimiya explained, chuckling nervously.

"its not an obsession!" hu tao was quick to defend herself, gasping with fake hurt. she slipped a coupon into your hand anyways, and winked at you. "50% off your first purchase~"

"...thanks." you deadpanned and pocketed the coupon. she was an eccentric fellow, that's for sure. but she didn't seem to have any ill intent, to say the least.

and, now that you think about it, her eyes are really pretty. a shimmering orange with unique floral-shaped pupils. perhaps it's genetics?

"let's change the subject." kaveh waved his hand dismissively, "What kind of arts and crafts do you like, [y/n]?"

"um... just basic sketching, i guess. kinda boring." you reply thoughtfully, and yoimiya is quick to interrupt.

"that's not boring at all! xiao likes to sketch too." she protested, and pointed to xiao and ajax in the corner. xiao perked up at the mention of his name, and looked back down again, ignoring it. 

yoimiya sighed at the sight of a whining ajax bothering xiao. 

"xiao, do i look feminine? do i look like a lady? i dont, right??!?" ajax tugged xiao's sleeve, making xiao mess up his sketch. he had an irk mark on his forehead as he flipped the pencil around and began to erase the imperfections.

"it's not my fault your masculinity is fragile. it was only a joke." xiao retorted, and ajax gasped, his face adorning horror. "how could you, traitor..!!!" 

ajax began to fake sob, and xiao groaned and pushed his face away. everyone stared at the odd duo with a deadpanned expression.

"...you're making us look bad." yoimiya elbowed ajax and whispered through gritted teeth, "we're supposed to convince [y/n] to stay, remember?"

ajax's mood flipped like a switch at the information. he bounced up off of the floor and practically sprinted over to you.

"[y/n]!!!" he beamed at you, taking your hands in his. yoimiya gasped and side-eyed ajax. "yeah...?" you replied reluctantly.

"allow me to explain why you should stay in the art club with us!" ajax declared. were they really that enthusiastic about new members? you tried to pry your hands away, but his grip was surprisingly strong.

"one, we're awesome."

"two, i'm awesome."

"three, you're awesome."

"four, if you join, we can all be awesome together."

"five, pleasedon'tleavemealonewithxiao--" 

xiao, who heard his name get mentioned again, glared at ajax with an annoyed expression. 

"that's enough, ed sheeran, you're gonna freak them out!!" yoimiya barked and dragged ajax off of you, who was getting kind of close.

"you're being too much, man..." kaveh sighed. "IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY--" ajax yelped, his ear getting pulled on by yoimiya, who was fuming.

"i'm really sorry, [y/n], i know they're weird, but could you please consider joining the art club for realsies? we really want you here... at least I do." yoimiya apologized and looked at you desperately. 

"right?" yoimiya looked at the other members. kaveh nodded and smiled at you again. hu tao giggled and nodded. ajax stared at you like a kicked puppy.

...maybe you feel kind of bad for ajax now.

"i do." an unfamiliar voice stated. everyone looked over at the door, to see another brunette, playing with a pair of fabric sheers. 

she had sleek stylish hair that was tied into a curly side ponytail with two hairsticks, one black and one red, with not a trace of imperfections. her bangs faded into a bright yellow which complimented her light skin and dark red eyes.

"chiori! when did you come in...?" kaveh asked curiously. "i came in a bit ago, but i saw no need to interfere with the... situation. i for one also desire [y/n]'s company. it would be nice to have someone sane in the club." chiori stated, looking over at you.

"hey!!" yoimiya and kaveh exclaimed simultaneously, and you giggled. chiori stared at you, and you stared back. you both were silent, taking in each other's appearances.

so this was chiori? she's... really pretty, like yoimiya. was everyone in the art club pretty? you were almost jealous.

"xiao?" everyone turned to xiao, who was mostly quiet the whole time you were here. he glanced upwards, avoiding your gaze.

"...do what you want." he consented and looked back at his drawing. not much of a talker, it seemed you and xiao had a lot in common. you felt a certain kinship.

"see?! so, please please pleaseee!" yoimiya begged, "careful, now you're the one being too much~" hu tao cooed and laughed.

you almost felt bad, seeing how excited everyone was to keep you here. well, almost everyone. you sighed, and nodded with a hesitant smile.

"okay, i'll join. for realsies."

yoimiya and ajax bursted into cheer.

yoimiya and ajax bursted into cheer

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