Finding out the secert!

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“Hey Sara?” my boyfriend Kyle asks me. It's a beautiful summer day for it to be March 1st. This was our first real official day out of school for summer vacation and me and Kyle are at our favorite meadow/hangout. We’ve been dating for a year and a half now. The meadow is full of Irises and other wildflowers and we’re lying down in the middle of it.

“Yeah Kyle?”I answer.

“I need to show you something, but first I need to tell you that I love you, Okay?”

“Um, Okay…” he was acting really weird and it was starting to freak me out.

“Well here goes nothing” he says and stands up. Then he bends down and kisses me full on lips. That was the first time he ever kissed me on the lips, much less full on. He steps back and I gasp. “You’re legs… there’s 4 of them a-a-and you got the bottom half of a horse… you’re half man half horse a-a-a-a werehorse!”

“Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!” he laughs, “This is definitely a good-sign!” 

“A good sign? A good sign? How is this a good sign? You’re a werehorse, for heaven-sakes!”

“Heh-heh, I’m a centaur not a werehorse silly and it’s a good sign because you’re not screaming ‘monster’ or ‘murderer’.”

“Well, of course not, somebody obviously cursed you, so when you kiss me you turn into a centaur!”

“So you’re feelings for haven’t changed?” he asked hopefully.

“Of course it doesn’t change my feelings for you, you idiot.”

“Well in that case, I need to you that I was born this way my whole family and lots of other people are centaurs and centaurettes too.”

“So you’re not cursed, but you’ve been like this you’re whole life?”

“Yep, and another thing, centaurs live forever and can turn people into centaurs.”

“Oh, that’s cool…Wait a minute, what? You live forever and never grow old?”

“Y-y-yes… but I could turn you into a centaurette if you wanted, not right now of course, but you know like later on…” he trails off.

“Ok, I love you, ya know.” I say and then I kiss him full on the lips and give him all of my love and passion that I can fit into that one kiss. It was awesome!


“Yeah you can say that again mister centaur.”

“Wow. Hey want a ride? I really need to run and stretch my legs.”


“Come on I haven’t had a rider in like forever! I swear I won’t drop you!”

“Well… O.k!”

“Yes! Now here let me help you.” As he says it he lifts me up and puts me on his back. “Ready?” he asks me. “Ready.” I reply, and then we’re off. I put my arms tight around as he laughs and he looks so happy and carefree I just never want this moment to end.

My boyfriend is a centaur and I'm his mateWhere stories live. Discover now