School on Monday

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The next day was Monday and when I got to school I immeaditly went to the flower meadows behind the school to wait for Kyle. In less than then 30 seconds later he came galloping (Centaur remember...duh!)  out of the forest towards me. I jump up faster than a mouse running towards his hole to get away from the cat. "What are you thinking? Someone could walk out and see you!" I demand. He just stands there smirking down at me and says "No they won't, I use an illusion to make people think I look human." He picks me up and places me up onto his back. "Hey we've got school to go to!"

"No we don't. I told them that we're going to skip today because it's the last day of school."

"Oh... Okay, let's go then." I say feeling more than just a little uncertianty.

Author time

Sorry it's so short but I'm really stressed. My school, Simons Middle School was put into lock down and stayed like that for 3 hours. I was on the bottem of a cubby hole  with 11 other people on top of me! I was right next to the door where the person with a gun was rattling it! Thankfully my 1st period teacher, G used to be a cop!!!! (he's my gym teacher).

My boyfriend is a centaur and I'm his mateWhere stories live. Discover now