the "L" word

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It's the next day and we're (once again) in the field of flowers, Kyle is in his human form, er, the one where he's full human looking...2 legs not 4...Oh you know what I mean. Anyway we're in the field of flowers just like I previovousely stated. "Hey Kyle?' I ask, "Why aren't you in your other form instead of this one, I mean you must be cramped."

"Yeah, I am but, you're not comfortable with in my other form..." he answers sadly.

"yes, I am" I argue. 

"Are you really?' he questions me with hopeful eyes.

"Um, duh, if I wasn't I would've broken up with you!" I retort.

With love shining in his eyes he tells me, "I love you with all my heart." If we were a T.V show right now in the back-ground there would be an "Aaaaaaaaaah". But this the real world and I am taken aback by shock, so my mouth's hanging wide open. An open-invitation for flys and nats to fly right on in. "Sarah, love, is there something wrong?" he puts his big strong arms around me and holds me close.

"Y-yo-yo-you-you just said thel-l--l- l-word." I some how mange to squeeze out.

"Of course I did, I love you silly!"

"I-i-i-i iloveyoutoo!" I say quickly, I barely manage to take in a deep breath before he takes it out of me by hugging me so tightly. Then he changes forms, puts me on the horse back-part and together we ride off into the sunset. The End... Nah just kidding. He takes us on a ride then he takes me home for the night.

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