Meeting the 'rents

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"Mom!, Dad! I have someone very specical for you to meet, this is my mate, Sarah." He pulls me out from behind him. His parents stand there looking dumb founded until finally his mom smiles a wide grin and says to me "Hi, Sarah, I'm Naomi, Kyle's mom. It's so nice to meet you." Then she turns to Kyle looking very irratated, "Kyle Masters, you've been dating Sarah for a year and a half and you're just now telling me that she's your mate!? Also WHY am I just now meeting her?!?" Kyle looks at me for some help and as much as I love seeing him in a tight spot, I decided to help him out for once. "Naomi," I said addressing his mother, "I just found out about all of this yesterday, because Kyle wanted to wait until I was just as in love with him as he is with me." "Oh" she says and nods her head then steps back. I see her full body for a first time, her hair is long and brown, and curly, it goes to mid-back, her tail is the same. Her hooves are brown also. Her horse body is a reddish-brown color and she's wearing a frilly white T-shirt. I turn to look at Kyle and I see him staring at his dad with a nervous expression. Kyle's dad has dark-blond curly hair and tail. His coat is dark brown,just like Kyle's and his jaw is stubborn-set. He looks me up and down, then turns to Kyle and says "Looks like you caught a good-looking filly, son, Good job!" Kyle laughs and relaxes and says "Thanks Dad." We stay for a couple more hours talking and eating. Then we leave and Kyle takes me home on his back.

My boyfriend is a centaur and I'm his mateWhere stories live. Discover now