Chapter 2 - Just Being Nice

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After the unfortunate departure from our previous secretary, Han-Seok and I needed a knew one. This time I was persistent on hiring a man and we soon found the perfect fit: Lee Yeo-Sang.Originally from South Korea, but raised in USA. He had great references, unlike that d*ad b*mb*.
Everyday Yeo-Sang showed me that we made the right choice by choosing him. He mastered his work a thousand times better than Carol. A huge plus was, that Han-Seok and I had more time than before, because we could actually count on Yeo-Sang.

 A huge plus was, that Han-Seok and I had more time than before, because we could actually count on Yeo-Sang

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„I don't trust him." I shifted my gaze to Han-Seok's brooding face. Again we were sitting in my office, to come up with a strategy for an upcoming trial.
"Who are you talking about?"
"For whatever reason?"
Han-Seok gave me an incredulous look. "You want to tell me you didn't notice?"
"I have no clue what you're talking about." I eventually put the file, that I was currently working on, away, to give him my undevided attention.
"You seriously want to tell me that you never noticed how he looks at you?"
"Come again?" I thought I misheard.
"How he looks at you", Han-Seok repeated. Like this was all the explanation I needed.
"How does he look at me?"
"Like you are a piece of meat. Or naked."
"I think you're completely misjudging the situation. He's just being nice", I tried to reassure him.
"Just being nice? I also tried to tell you, that Ashley was 'just being nice' and look how that turned out." I rolled my eyes. Of course he had to bring her up again.
"You're right. But this time I really think that he's just being nice." Han-Seok scoffed. "Here. Let me proof it." I picked up my phone and called Yeo-Sang.
"Mrs. Park?"
"Hi, Yeo-Sang. Could you be so kind and bring me coffee."
"Of course, Mrs. Park."
"Thank you." I hung up.
"What is that supposed to proof? And why didn't you tell him to bring me some too?" Han-Seok gave me a doubtful look.
"You'll see."
A gentle knock was heard a couple minutes later.
"Come in."
"Here is your coffee, Mrs. Park."
"Thank you, that you brought us both", I pointedly looked at Han-Seok, "coffee."
"Of course, Mrs. Park. I thought since you both were working in here, maybe your husband might want one too."
"How thoughtful of you."
"Do you need anything else?", he asked, looking between me and Han-Seok.
"That would be all. Thank you." Yeo-Sang gave me and Han-Seok one last polite smile before he left.
"See? Just being nice. He brought us both coffee and he called me Mrs. Park instead of Miss", I said and took a sip.
"Yeah, because I was right here. Just wait and see when he gets you alone", Han-Seok argued with a dark look. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head at his silliness.
"I was also right here, but Ashley didn't seem bothered at all."
"Yeo-Sang is just more subtle. That's all", Han-Seok insisted.
"Or you're just paranoid", I retorted and went back to work.

"You coming?", Han-Seok asked, waiting in the doorway.
After we came up with a safe strategy, we both decided to call it a day and head home.
"You go ahead. I'll be with you in a couple of minutes."
"You need something?", he asked.
"Just trying to see, if your theory about Yeo-Sang proofes to be right."
"You serious?" He looked at me in dismay, while I just nodded. "Whatever", he grumbled and made his way to the parking lot.
Meanwhile I went to Yeo-Sang.
"Yeo-Sang?", he turned around.
"Yes, Mrs. Park?"
"Could you come to my office, please? I'd like to go through the schedual for the rest of the week real quick."
"Coming", he said and jumped up from his chair to follow me into my office.
"Have a seat." I gestured towards the lounge chairs, while getting my calendar from my desk.
"Where is Mr. Park? Will he be joining us?", Yeo-Sang asked.
"No. He already left. This shouldn't take too long though", I replied as I took the seat right next to his. "Let's see. Tomorrow my husband and I will be at court at 10 a. m. The trial might take some time so I want you to go through these files on my desk and try to find anything that could give us an advantage for next weeks trial." Yeo-Sang glanced at the files that I pointed out on my desk.
"Ah. The series of robberies. Got it."
"And could you please call Mrs. Olsen and make an appointment for later this week?" I turned to look at him and found his face way too close to mine.
"Sure, Mrs. Park", he murmured. Sh*t. Han-Seok was right. Nevertheless I pretended like nothing was wrong and turned my attention back to my calendar.
"Oh and please set an appointment for my husband and Mr. Hayes. For either later this week or next week."
"Yes, Mrs. Park." I dared to look over at Yeo-Sang again and was relieved to find him scribble down his To-Dos for the next day.
"Alright, that would be all for now. I'm gonna head home and you should finish up too. It's already late."
Yeo-Sang just chuckled. "I will, Mrs. Park. Promise."
I wanted to put on my coat, when he stopped me. "Allow me." He helped me in, his hands resting on my shoulders a little too long after. Again pretending like nothing happened, I stepped away and made my way to the door.
"Good night, Yeo-Sang", I said over my shoulder. All of a sudden an arm shot past me, keeping the door shut.

 All of a sudden an arm shot past me, keeping the door shut

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I spun around to look into the smug face of Yeo-Sang.
"How about a kiss good night, Mrs. Park?" I looked at him baffled. Gone was the good and sweet employee. My back was pressed against the door, as Yeo-Sang kept inching closer till our lips almost touched. Don't get me wrong, I could have helped myself, if I wanted to. But that's the thing. IF I wanted to. And it seemed like I didn't.
"Babe?" Yeo-Sang stopped dead in his tracks.
"F*ck", he whispered and pushed himself off the door. I turned around and hurriedly made my way towards Han-Seok. "I'm here."
I threw Yeo-Sang one last glare over my shoulder.
"Good night Mr. and Mrs. Park", he shouted and gave us a little wave. That little f*cker. He seriously caused me to have a Jang Joon-Woo Deja Vu. Only that Yeo-Sang tried to hide the fact, that he wanted to get in my pants.
"And?", Han-Seok asked expectantly.
"You were wrong." He looked disappointed.
Why I lied to him? I have no clue. Just that I didn't want him to know.

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