Chapter 5 - Starved

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A little warning: Spicy content ahead! I'll mark the spicy parts.


Yeo-Sang and I both turned our heads to the doorway, where Han-Seok stood with an irritated expression on his face.
"I've been waiting in the car for ages."
"I'll be with you in a bit, baby."
"You need help with that?", he asked, pointing at Yeo-Sang.
"I got it", I replied with a little smile. But Han-Seok's whole demeanor changed to looking downright p*ssed.
"Did he touch you or anything? Did he try something?"
"No. Relax. He just said something, which I didn't like that much." That wasn't even a lie. Han-Seok stared at me for a couple moments.
"Alright. If you need me, I'm just one call away."
"Ok." With one last angry glare directed at Yeo-Sang he turned around and left.
"Wow. He's intense. It's totally true. You two are absolutely bananas and obsessed with each other."
"Yeah. That's my man", I said, while looking after Han-Seok with gooey eyes. "Wait. What?"
"What?", he asked.
"Who's bananas?"
"No one", he hurridly said. "So, where do we go from here?"
I thought about that too and already had an idea. Now you probably think 'Oh, she is going to k*ll him'. Because that's what I always do. Right? Wroooong.
I eventually eased up on him. "Listen, Yeo-Sang. Is that even your real name?"
"Now it is."
"Here is the deal. You can stay with us as our assistant and I won't tell Han-Seok anything."
"What's the catch?"
"You need to tell me everything you know about Han-Seok and I and you need to tell me everything about Vincenzo. His plans, his people, everything he got on us so far."
"Alright. That sounds reasonable."
"Deal?" I held out my hand.
"Deal", he said and we shook hands.

"Deal", he said and we shook hands

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"Now clean up this mess. I'll expect you at work tomorrow at 8 sharp."
"Yes, boss!", he yelled after me, as I grabbed my stuff and was out to join my man.

"You need help with the body?", was all he said, when I got into the car.
"What body?"
"Oh no. There is no body, but thanks. We talked it out", I said with a smile.
"What did he say?"
"Oh it was work related. He questioned my capability. You know how I am. That's a touchy subject."
"Yeah", he said with a snort. "If everything's good, could you drive us home now? I'm tired." And to emphasize just how tired he was, he let out a yawn.
Remember when I said the glint in Han-Seok's eyes meant either s*x or fighting and then s*x? Well, neither happened. He went straight to sleep. Sometimes I had the feeling like Han-Seok was loosing his fire.

The rest of the week went by with Han-Seok still ignoring me. I hated it. I needed his attention like air to breath. Plus, we didn't have s*x in three weeks. We used to f*ck everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Now I'm literally starved. I even thought about taking up Yeo-Sang's offer, but then I decided for another path. It was a simple four step plan. And it was going to start at our meeting in a couple minutes.

It was Friday afternoon. We were sitting in my office with Yeo-Sang, going over the strategy for the upcoming trial the following Monday.
"Okay, like we discussed, we're gonna pin everything on the accomplice. We say that our client was forced to take part in the drug business due to debts", Han-Seok stated.
"What about the business partners they caught so far?", I interrupted.
"Come again?"
"The business partners he made deals with. Some of them got busted. The prosecuter offered them a reduction of their sentences if they testified against our client. They will say that he was the number one contact when it came to the drug deals. That he managed everything."
"Then we will argue that his accomplice wanted him to be the "face of the operation" so to speak, to keep his own identity hidden. A lot of drug dealers do this."
"But how believable is it, when everyone says that he managed everything. Isn't there supposed to be at least one person that can testify that he was forced into this?"
Han-Seok looked at me angrily, but that's exactly what I wanted.
"I think we should do it like this instead."

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