Confession Time (Vox x Alastor)

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A redo of one of the chapters of my book on Vox and Alastor, but Vox's confession goes differently.

(Vox's POV)

"I've been meaning to tell you something for ....years" I begin, my gaze unwavering as I lock eyes with him. The room feels heavy with anticipation, every passing moment echoing the weight of my confession. Summoning all the courage I can muster, I reach out, drawing him closer until our breaths mingle in the charged air between us. With a surge of emotion, I press my lips to his in a fervent kiss, my heart pounding with the intensity of the moment. As we part, his eyes search mine, a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity flickering in their depths. With trembling breath, I lay bare my feelings, the words tumbling from my lips in a rush of emotion. "I... I love you" I confess, the admission hanging in the air like a delicate thread.

Alastor's expression shifts, his head tilting slightly as he processes my words. "What?" he murmurs, his voice barely audible above the silence that envelops us. As Alastor's initial shock begins to ebb away, replaced by a palpable tension, I press on, my words tumbling forth in a torrent of emotion. "I've wanted to tell you for the longest time" I confess, desperation lacing my voice. "But I never knew how, or if there would ever be a right moment. It's been eating me alive, Alastor. I can't keep it inside any longer". With each word, I feel the weight of my confession lifting, replaced by a sense of liberation. "I love you," I repeat, the words echoing in the stillness of the room. "You feel like home to me, Alastor. In your presence, I find solace, comfort, and a sense of belonging I've never known before". As I pour out my heart, I see a flicker of recognition in Alastor's eyes, a spark of understanding mingled with a hint of vulnerability. And in that moment, I know that no matter what his response may be, I have spoken my truth, laying bare the depths of my affection for him.

As I continue to bare my soul to Alastor, I draw upon memories like lifelines, weaving them into the tapestry of my confession. "I know you feel it too" I insist, my voice trembling with conviction. "The drunken nights we'd spend together, falling asleep on the sofa, the way we danced in each other's arms, the tender embrace you'd envelop me in. And that kiss we shared...". But before I can finish, Alastor's words cut through the air like a knife, piercing the fragile bubble of hope that had begun to swell within me. "That kiss was a drunken mistake" he states flatly, his voice devoid of emotion. For a moment, I am stunned into silence, the weight of his words crashing down upon me like a tidal wave. In that instant, the gulf between us feels insurmountable, stretching out like an endless chasm of heartache and regret. And as I gaze into Alastor's eyes, searching for a glimmer of understanding, all I find is a void, an emptiness where our connection once thrived. But even as despair threatens to consume me, a spark of defiance ignites within my chest. "No" I declare, my voice trembling with newfound resolve. "That kiss was not a mistake, Al. It was a moment of truth, a glimpse into the depths of our shared affection. And I refuse to let it be dismissed so easily".

"It was a mistake" Alastor repeats, his voice firm and unwavering. "And don't forget, you admitted it yourself". His words sting, a bitter reminder of my own past admission. Swallowing hard, I summon the courage to speak my truth. "I said it because... because I wasn't ready to admit it was more than that" I confess, the weight of my confession heavy on my tongue. But before I can continue, Alastor interjects, his tone laced with accusation. "You've changed, Vox and not for the better" he accuses, his words like a dagger to the heart, slicing through the fragile bonds that once held us together. "I'm starting not to recognize you" Alastor says, his voice tinged with sorrow and frustration. "Ever since you started working with Valentino, you've become cocky and arrogant. And those upgrades to your head..." He shakes his head, a pained expression crossing his features. "You're starting not to look like the Vox I knew". His words cut deep, a harsh reminder of the changes that have taken root within me. With a heavy heart, I hang my head, the weight of his disappointment pressing down on me like a leaden shroud. In that moment, I realize the extent to which I have strayed from the demon he once knew. And as the silence stretches between us, thick with unspoken regrets, I can only wonder if there is any hope left for us to find our way back to each other.

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