A night I won't forget (val x vox)

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(Vox's POV)

As I stand in my room, surrounded by an array of outfits, pondering what to wear for tonight's event, I can't help but feel the weight of decision bearing down on me. The screens around me flicker with endless options, yet none seem to capture the essence of what I want to convey. Lost in thought, I'm interrupted by the familiar presence of Valentino, his entrance as brash as ever. He strides in without a care, his confidence exuding from every pore. I sense his presence before he even speaks, his warmth enveloping me in a hug from behind. His head rests atop my screen, a gesture that's both endearing and slightly invasive. "Having trouble picking something out, Voxxy?" His voice drips with that trademark condescension, a tone I've grown accustomed to yet still grates against my nerves. I resist the urge to roll my eyes, instead mustering a half-hearted chuckle. "It's not as easy as it looks, Val, I'm used to just wearing the same suit all the time" I reply, attempting to maintain a semblance of composure. But beneath the surface, frustration simmers, fueled by his dismissive attitude. I feel his grip tighten slightly, his presence pressing against me. Despite my irritation, there's a certain comfort in his embrace, a familiarity that transcends our complicated dynamic. As I continue to sift through my wardrobe, I can't shake the feeling of his gaze lingering on me, his scrutiny palpable even without words.

As I stand there, deliberating over my outfit, his voice cuts through the silence like a knife. "Need any help?, I can pick you an outfit" he offers, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. I bristle at his suggestion, my pride stinging at the implication that I can't handle something as simple as choosing an outfit. "No, Val" I retort sharply, my patience wearing thin. "I'm not five years old. I can dress myself". He chuckles softly, the sound grating against my nerves. "Suit yourself" he replies with a shrug, his nonchalance only serving to fuel my irritation. Without another word, he strides out of the room, leaving me to my own devices. As the door closes behind him, I let out an exasperated sigh, the tension in the air dissipating slightly. But before I can fully relax, his voice echoes back to me from the hallway. "We need to leave in ten" he calls out, his reminder a testament to his ever-present need to assert control. I resist the urge to roll my eyes, his penchant for stating the obvious never ceasing to amuse and annoy me in equal measure. "I know, Val" I shout after him, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "I'm the only one out of the Vs who's ever on fucking time". But as his footsteps fade into the distance, I can't help but wonder if our constant bickering masks a deeper connection, a bond forged through years of collaboration and competition.

After much deliberation, I settle on an outfit that pushes the boundaries of my usual style. Velvette's design, a white suit, hangs elegantly in my closet, a stark departure from the navy and cyan hues I typically favor. As I slip into the tailored jacket, I can't help but admire the craftsmanship, the crisp lines accentuating my frame. Underneath the pristine white fabric, a black shirt provides a striking contrast, adding depth to the ensemble. The white trousers complete the look, elongating my silhouette and adding a touch of sophistication. But it's the gold tie that truly ties it all together, a shimmering accent that adds a touch of luxury to the ensemble. As I secure it in place, I can't help but feel a sense of apprehension, stepping outside my comfort zone in more ways than one. Yet despite my reservations, the outfit fits like a glove, the fabric soft against my skin. Velvette's attention to detail is evident in every stitch, her talent for design shining through in the impeccable craftsmanship. But as I glance at my reflection in the mirror, I can't shake the feeling of unfamiliarity that washes over me. It's not just the outfit that feels different, but the subtle shift in identity that comes with wearing something so out of character. Still, as I take a moment to adjust to the change, I can't help but appreciate the opportunity to embrace something new, to step outside the confines of my usual attire and embrace the unexpected. And as I prepare to join the others for the evening's event, I do so with a newfound sense of confidence, ready to embrace whatever this evening has in store.

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