Chapter 54

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Not proof read

Amelia Hazel Smith
Friday, October 11,2024
📍Arrow Keys Street, Portmore

Opening my eyes, I feel the next side of the bed for any sign of Jayden

Feeling the cold spot, I roll my eyes and grab my phone after whispering a small thank you prayer.

Look at the many notifications from Instagram, curiosity consume my body, causing my finger to tap the first notification quickly,


Reading the post, my heart sank as tears clouded my eyes, causing the video on the phone to be blurry.

The phone fell from my grasp as I sob with shaking hands, turning on my side, I moved my body into a ball and cried.

Hearing a soft knock on my door, I slowly opened my eyes. The trumping in my head causes me to close my eyes

Y mih head a hurt me so

Hearing the soft knock on the door, I instructed the person on the other side to open the door.

Traquie scrolls in, pushing Liyahs walker in front of him.

" Good morning," Traquie greets, climbing onto the bed.

" Morning, you hungry," I asked, removing Liyah from the walker.

" Yes, mi did a try light the stove but it nah light," He responded, looking around the room.

" Wah me tell u bout the stove, sir," I asked, looking at him.

" Not to touch it," He answered, fiddling with his fingers.

" Because I was hungry, and you were asleep," He stated, looking down.

Nodding, I give him a warning and exit the room with him following suit.

" Wah you wah?"  I asked, entering the kitchen.

" Pancake and eggs," He answered, turning on his Ipad.

After preparing breakfast, I proceeded to tide up the rooms and wipe, then get the kids cleaned up and ready for the day.

" Behave mek me put on you clothes, nuh," I stated, turning her on her back to pin the pampers.

" Want me to carry the diaper bag outside mean while?" Traquie asked, standing at the door.

" Yeah, thanks," I answered, turning to him.

After gathering everything, we all get seated in the car.

Upon arriving at AA's Arcade and Adventure, I unstrap Liyah and remove the diaper bag from the car. After ensuring that it's close, I enter the building and sign in.

" Welcome to AA's Arcade and Adventure, I hope you have a wonderful stay," a lady greeted.

Smiling, I walk to the counter to order the ticket so Traquie can play the game he likes.

After buying 20,000 worth of tickets, we enter the Arcade.

" Here c the tickets here, go play whatever you want ago a the toddler area, link me when you hunger and don't go anywhere without my knowledge," I informed pointing over the spot where I'll be.

He started at the bike, and I walked to the spot where the toddlers played spots.

Placing Liyah on the playmat, I watch her closely as she takes a small step towards a big block in the middle of the room.

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