Chapter 4

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Amelia Hazel Smith 17
Wednesday December 22, 2022
Mah Plaza, Portmore


" Do dah one deh girl, dat nicer," I inform Paris as we choose what her nails she should look like.

" Alr me ago do dis and uno go buy food," She answered while sitting in the chair.

Maddy and I are now walking to juicy patty since it basically on the other side of town its 30 minutes way so we would have to take e taxi there. We are stand at the cross road when Jayden car pulled up right infront of us.

He told us to hop in and he carried us to juicy beef, when I am descending the car, he pulled me back and I fall back into the seat.

He bring the window up after he told maddy to go order I will meet her.

Like me nuh av mouth

" Weh u a long up you mouth so fah," he asked as soon as the window is up.

The AC cold you hell wrong day me a wear this yah suit yah.

" Why u skirt so short, a man you come look," He asked again, I rolled my eyes and turn my head to the window.

Memba the last time you do dat

" You love roll you eye dem, huh worry yourself dem soon stuck," He continues.

" Weh u a do out yah by the way," He asked his 3rd question.

" Man me come look, but mih nuh c non," I said look in his eyes.

He started laugh then in a swift second his hand is around my neck. He moved his mouth to my ears with his hot breath on my neck, I start to get wet.

" Any man you deh wid weh ano me, me kill you and him memba dat " He stated let go off my leg.

His voice lord

I squeeze my legs close and his eyes move to them and he started laughing. Placing his hands on my skirt tail he trails it upwards stopping at my underwear.

Oh memba Madda a wait pon you

He shift my underwear one side then slip his finger inside my fold, while massaging my clit. After a few pumps he remove his finger and stuck it in my mouth. I lick it off and he then fly the lock on the door.

I look at him in disbelief and roll my eyes.

" Call me when you done do weh you a do," He said starting the car.

I grab my bag and hop out the car, reaching juicy beef door, I turn around and he sped off.

Hate him you see

Searching for Maddy, I find her standing at the counter collecting the food. I quickly walk up to her taking up some of the food placing it in the small bag that the worker place on the table beside the food. She carried the remaining food in the other bag and we exit juicy.

" you nuh c see how the Don a eyes you girl?" She asked as soon as we exit the shop.

"Girl, him a look me but me nuh too sure memba seh him a badman eno," I respond jump a hole in the road.

Yet him av him finger inna u poor you

" Yh man day a tru still, but do the do and tell me if ntg gwan, uk how the one Paris ago create excitement when she hear," Maddy stated laughing a little.

We hop into a taxi to take up downtown

Exiting the taxi I paid the driver and we quickly move across the road, since there is no vehicles

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