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When I first started working at the nursery I didn't knew much, so in first couple of months I said some things that staff didn't like. They hated me. But I liked it. They also didn't know much about my life. I don't like sharing that kind of information with everybody. Marjorie started to question me every time she saw I was in a a "good" mood.
- Autumn, you are working here for six months.
She said, but it sounded like a question.
- Yes?
- Why are you so introverted?
- I don't like people.
- Yeah, but why?
- Because I don't want them to ask me about my life.
I looked at her with one raised eyebrow.
- But why?
- I don't like to talk abou my self. I don't like people and that is all.
- O... Okay...
She turned to her computer.
The truth was, I started to like my coworkers. They were nice.
In that moment I heard someone nocking at the door.
- Yes?!
Marjorie said.
- Marjorie, I have to speak with you.
It was a mother of one child that used to be here in the nursery.
- Yes my darling, what's up.
- This is unacceptable! Charlotte was giving my Jason a peace of cake!
- I'm sorry... What?
- Yes! I don't want him to have any sugar, but he was giving it to him!
- But...
- No but Marjorie!
I could not stand the way she was acting.
- Did you said that when we asked you about his dietery requirements?
- No but...
- Then stop shouting at my coworkers! It's your fault and no one's elses . Now get out!
- Okay...
She left, and Marjorie looked at me.
- What?
- Autumn... Thank you for standing up for me and Charlotte.
- Your welcome.
- Would you like to go out with me after this shift?
She asked.
- Marjorie, no offense, but you are not my type.
- None taken.... But not like that, I mean for drink.
- Alright.
And that was the  day when I accidentally made a friend.

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