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Dunk might have been regretting that he accepted the majorette offer as he literally has no idea what should he do.

"First, we need to take off your glasses."

It was Namtan, their majorette leader aka his personal trainor. He's having a solo practice since he's the only new member. Or that's what Phuwin told him.

"How am i suppose to see?" He cringes at the idea of him walking around without his glasses. He's gonna bteak his neck in no time.

"You need to switch to contacts so it will be easy for you to go about without having to worry about your glasses might fall."

But he's comfortable with them on than contacts. Dunk held his glasses protectively with a pout.

"B-but Phuwin told me I don't need to do all that stuff you do, he told me I just have to march and that's it."

Namtan reached for his hair and split them in half more to the right side because his bangs are almost covering his eyes.

"He probably forgot to tell you you're replacing me, you're going to be the majorette leader."


Namtan cringes at the volume of his voice.

"Calm down. Why are you so surprised? It's not a big deal."

She took a hairspray out of her bag and begin to spray Dunk's hair to stay it up and get if away from his face.

"Why can't you do it?" Dunk whines, letting Namtan do whatever she likes with him, it's not like he has a choice. Namtan is scary. No wonder she and Phuwin get along.

When she's finished, she put her stuff away and crossed her arms and turned to Dunk with a serious look.

"I will be helping Phuwin, he asked me to help him with the organizing and stuff and I'm graduating, I can't be mother majorette forever. That's why he had to find someone to replace me. Didn't he tell you that?"

"No, He did not%! #! I wouldn't be here otherwise! " Dunk grab his own hair, but careful not to ruin what Namtan has done with it, feeling stressed,"So it wasn't because you're lacking members?"

"That's also true. But he has already find people who are going to replace them."

Turns out Phuwin scammed him. That conniving little shit. He's gonna payback. Just he wait. He makes a mental note to kick his ass when he see him.

Namtan gave him a moment to curse his bestfriend to the ground.

"Are you done?"

"Yeah. Just get this over with." He says, very annoyed.


Dunk couldn't believe he's going to lead more than 30 other students including the marching band. He hasn't been introduced to them yet and he's already crying in anxiety.

He knows that he's not equipped for this job and he doesn't understand why he had to do this.

"Why can't you just pick from one of your members?" Dunk asked Namtan while she teach him how to properly hold the baton steadily. They're practicing for hours and Dunk seem not to grasp any of it.

"They don't have the quality and I have known the moment i saw you that you'll do a great job and basically the tallest and you're pretty. Just get rid of that glasses and you're done."

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