Chapter 9

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Edited by dann_ds & myself

^ Seven Week Pregnancy ^



I was this close to telling C.J that I was pregnant with his child, but Rachel had to call right when I was going to tell him. I'm hoping he'll be there tomorrow because I need to tell him before everyone knows, especially Summer, who is going to hate me and be very hurt.

Today is my first prenatal appointment and they are doing an ultrasound which I'm excited and scared because what if it's twins or more. I'm hoping for one baby in my tummy. Tomorrow I'll be seven weeks pregnant. In my sixth week of pregnancy, I was feeling the symptoms of morning sickness but just nauseous only thank God. I hate throwing up.

Then tomorrow is my twenty-third birthday barbeque at my parent's house, and I have no idea who's going to be there.

An hour before my appointment I must drink a whole liter of water and trust me, it's no fun having to hold it. Especially when I have to pee every twenty minutes.

My mom is coming with me to the ultrasound, only not my appointment because she has to get back to work. I only work half a day then I'm relaxing at home.

Waiting for my mom at the front door. Too bad Bonnie's not here to keep me company. She and her husband are traveling to Los Angeles to see their grandchildren for the weekend and I adore it when they come to visit here.

Looking at my iPhone to see the time and I've been waiting here for ten minutes. My appointment is at eleven-thirty and it's eleven-fifteen.

Hurry women, I can't keep this pee in any longer.

Once I heard the elevator door open, I see her coming in a hurry.

"Sorry, Tash, the meeting went longer, and let's get going."

"Okay, who's vehicle are we taking, mom?" I ask her.

"Let's take yours because your dad is picking me up just around the block from the doctor's clinic. Don't worry, he knows nothing about the baby yet." She spoke.

We rush to my vehicle in the parking lot. My mom and I got in and drove fast because I need to pee badly.

"Slow down Tash." My mom said as I took a left-sharp turn. She was holding the dashboard with both hands.

"Sorry, mom. My bladder is about to explode with all the water I drank." My mom giggles at me and thinks it's funny.

After ten minutes of driving there and finding a parking spot. Once I found one and parked my vehicle. I rush out of there with my mom right behind me.

"I'm very nervous mom." I opened the door.

"Don't be Tasha, it's okay to feel nervous, it's normal."

I walked to the front desk, waiting for the receptionist to be done on the phone.

"Hello Miss, how can I help you?" The receptionist said to me.

"I have an appointment with Dr. Daily," I got a woman doctor because I'll feel comfortable with her than a male doctor, but if it's a young good-looking doctor, I will take it.

"Can I have your health card please?" I pull out my card from my wallet and pass it to her.

"Okay Tasha, just sit on the right side and she'll be right with you." She said and passed me my health card. She was pointing to her right.

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