~Chapter 24~

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All I heard were whispers. But I couldn't figure out words. My heartfelt heavy.

I open my eyes slowly. Seeing white walls and the smell of bleach. The brightness was coming from the windows.

I was wondering to myself. Why? Was I here?

Then all the memories came to me fast, like a bullet. Seeing Tasha's vehicle all damage. Seeing her unconscious. Then seeing that bitch. Going to the hospital. Waiting for the doctor. When the doctor and came spoke two, then I was out.

I got up quickly. Grasping for air.

"C.J. Calm down." I felt a hand grab my shoulder and looking at the familiar voice.

When I look to my right. It was my mom.

"Mom." I sob on her shoulder. She was rubbing my back.

"It's going to be okay, C.J." My mom continues rubbing my back.

"No, it not. Tasha and our baby are gone. I just can't."

"Oh, honey. Tasha and your baby are still alive." When my mom said those words. My world stood still.

Alive? But how?

"What? That can be true. How?" I had happy tears coming out.

"Tasha and the baby survived the crash, which is a lovely miracle. What were the doctor's last words before you blacked out, C.J?" When my mom said that.

"The doctor said 'Well I'm' and that was it. Then I blacked out because I couldn't hear the rest of it. My heart couldn't bare it. What happened after I blacked out?" I look at my mom in her eyes.

"From everyone told me and your dad. When you blacked out, they put you in a room. To let your body and mind rest. Your friend Rachel and Greg came into the room until we arrived."

"What did the doctors say?" I ask my mom.

"I'll let Rachel answer that for you. I'll go get her." My mom got off the bed and went out the door.

She comes in with Rachel walking behind her. Rachel gave me a big brotherly hug.

"How are you feeling so far?" Rachel asks me.

"I'm fine now that Tasha and our baby are okay." That was an enormous relief in my chest.

"The doctor said that 'Well, I'm glad that you have a strong daughter and her unborn baby survive the crash. She has a gash on the left side of her head that needs required stitches. Her wrist needs pins in it and is in a case now. Her family can see when she gets settled into a room."

"When can I go see her?"

"You can go right but..." I had a bad feeling when she said the word 'but'.

"But what Rachel?"

"She's not awake yet C.J. Tasha's in a coma after the head injury she received yesterday." I guess she sounded upset saying it.

Yesterday? How long was I asleep?

"How long was I out for, mom?" I ask her.

"For fifteen hours now. It's nearly nine right now. The doctor came and check you every few hours. But you needed rest from all the stress from yesterday."

"Where's dad?" I didn't see him in the room when I woke up.

"Out in the hallway talking to your future father-in-law. They've been talking since we got here yesterday evening. And now they're best buds. Wait until you see them together."

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