Chapter Six

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"See you around is really the best you could come up with?" Eddie asked Buck from across the table at the station. It was now Thursday, meaning it had been three days since the elevator incident with Harper.

Buck signed, pushing his plate from him. "In the moment, yes. It was the best I could come up with."

Eddie chuckled, shoveling a fork of enchiladas into his mouth. "And you haven't tried to reach out since?"

"What am I supposed to do, Eddie? I don't have her number."

"You know where she lives and works. I don't think you're giving good excuses here, Buck."

"I'm not so sure she would even be interested in something at the moment."

"Are you?" Eddie asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know." Buck answered honestly.

"It sounds like maybe you're not ready and you're projecting." Hen said from behind him, coming up the stairs. She chose to sit at the stool beside Eddie.

Buck scoffed, narrowing his eyes at Hen. "What do you know about projecting? Are you some kind of therapist?"

"Not some kind of therapist, just someone with common sense." Hen stated. "You've been going through it the last few months, Buck. It would make sense if you weren't looking for anything right now."

He wasn't looking for anything. However, Harper came out of nowhere. She was all he could think about the last three days. She had been so vulnerable and open with him. He could admit to himself it made him weary about asking her out or for her number. What if she wasn't ready? What if he wasn't? He didn't want to be a rebound, he also did not want Harper to be a rebound.

"I don't think she is either." Evan told Hen.

"Right, a dead fiancé really can put a strain on a budding romance." Eddie stated.

Buck snapped his head back to Eddie. "Hey man, watch it. I told you that in confidence."

"Her fiancé died?" Hen asked.

Buck sighed, "Yeah. From the timeline she gave me it seems maybe a year ago he was murdered while he was working. No one has been caught in connection with the murder."

"Did they have any suspects?" Hen asked.

Evan shrugged, "We didn't really get that far before you guys busted in."

"Poor girl," Hen sighed, "I see why you're hesitating now."

Buck slowly nodded, standing up with his plate. He made his way to the sink and washed the plate. He turned, leaning against the sink, looking at Eddie and Hen.

"I'm not sure if she would be interested in me. I'm not sure I would be interested in her. I just find her attractive. We all know what I do when I find a girl attractive and I'm trying not to do that. Harper deserves more than that."

"Oh my God." Hen said, a smile spreading across her face. "You feel a connection with her."

Buck rolled his eyes, turning back to his clean plate. He did feel a connection. However, he wasn't about to admit that. Just as buck put his plate up, the siren went off. He signed, getting everything together, before hopping on the truck.

"We got a woman in respiratory distress, a co-worker is doing CPR on her." Bobby said through their earphones. Buck remained in his own thoughts watching as the streets rolled by. He started to recognize the buildings. Then, his blood ran cold when they pulled up to Mustard Seed Counseling. This is where Harper worked.

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