Chapter Sixteen

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It was Sam that had died in the hotel room. Buck was standing in Harper's kitchen when Athena broke the news to him. Harper was wrapped in a warm blanket on the couch, fast asleep.

"I'll wake her and tell her." Buck said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"There's something weird about this Buck." Athena said.

"What's weird?"

"I ran his DNA through the system, and it was kicked back unidentified. We compared the fingerprints in our lab, and they were a match, why did the computer kick back unidentified?"

"I got to be honest, Athena. I don't follow."

"Someone kicked them back." Athena said. "Someone who knew I was working the homicide and someone who didn't want Sam identified."

"I'll leave that part out." Buck said, "She has been through so much."

"Yeah, let me snoop some more."

"Thank you, Athena."

Buck sighed at the memory from three nights ago. Harper was laying on his chest asleep. His hand rubbing her back gently. She wanted to stay in bed the last three days. She was so devastated over Sam. It broke Buck to see her cry. Bobby gave Buck some PTO to stay with Harper.

Her fried was murdered now some weirdo was making weird calls to her employer with his burner phone. It was a lot. Buck pulled her closer, kissing her hair. He had been staying at her apartment with her since finding out. Buck let his eyes trail to the alarm clock beside Harper's bed. It was 8:31 in the morning. He really had to use the bathroom. However, he didn't want to disturb Harper.

When she wasn't sleeping, she was crying, and he was worried. She wouldn't eat. When Harper felt, she felt hard, and losing Sam has been extra hard for her. Buck shifted a bit, scotting Harper's body off his. He hesitated before getting up. She was still sound asleep. Buck grabbed his phone and eased into the living room, shutting the door. He checked it, he had no new messages. Athena told him she would call when she had updates. However, Buck was very stubborn. He dialed Athena's number.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Any updates?" Buck asked.

"Nothing yet. I'm still poking around but I do have some help."

"That's reassuring." Buck said.

"How is Harper?"

Buck sighed, "She's a mess, Athena. She is devastated that her friend died. I'm trying to be empathetic. But I am more worried about whoever is taunting her. What does a storm is coming even mean?"

"That's what I'm trying to find out, Buck. I promise I will let you know as soon as I have any updates."

"Thank you." Buck said, hanging up.

The best thing I can do is be here for Harper, he thought. He decided to throw her together a small breakfast and some coffee. Going back in the bedroom, he realized she had not moved.

"Harper." Buck whispered, sitting behind her on the bed. He started to rub her back.

"Hmm." She Mumbled.

"I made you breakfast, baby."

Harper turned to look at him. She looked like she was going to cry. His heart couldn't handle seeing her so broken.

"I'm not hungry." She said.

"You really need to Harper, I am worried about you. Please eat for me."

Harper sighed. "OK, I will for you."

Life After You - Evan Buckley [9-1-1]Where stories live. Discover now