Chapter Eleven

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Harper smiled to herself as the sun snuck through the white curtains draped over the window across from her bed. With her eyes closed, she pouted out her lips. Her childhood bed was cold. Then, the smell of bacon hit her nose. She let her eyes open, trailing the small back room. The floors were wooden, she had one window on the wall opposite of her full bed. On either side of the windows she had book shelves, and a small wooden desk to her right. The memories of the last few days began to flood her mind.

It was Tuesday, she and Buck landed yesterday around 4pm.

"There's no mountains." Buck had commented, looking out the window.

Harper had chuckled, kissing the back of his hand.

"We have to drive into them. Lexington is central Kentucky."

Harper felt her heart flutter around Buck. She felt mad for agreeing to be his girlfriend on Friday. However, it felt so right. He was like a warm hug for her soul.

Her sister was waiting in the lobby of the airport. Harper locked eyes with Hannah and ran to her, crashing into her. Harper hadn't even noticed the skinny, lanky, awkward man beside her. After the sisters pulled apart, Hannah introduced Harper to Logan. Mr. IT man from the hospital.

Logan shook Harper's hand. She smiled warmly at him, looking back to Buck.

"Hannah, Logan, this is my boyfriend, Evan Buckley."

Hannah already knew all about Buck. However, she was grateful to finally meet him. After introductions, Harper and Buck followed Hannah and Logan to her Rav-4. Buck looked so out of place. He was too beautiful for such a simple place, Harper thought. They sat in the back seat. Hannah and Logan occupied the front seat.

"How long is the drive?" Buck asked, bucking up.

"About three hours." Hannah smiled at him through the rear-view mirror.

Most of the drive was Hannah telling Buck embarrassing stories that Harper could never out live. Teenage Harper was quite the wild one. Sneaking out to see boys, defying parents, were just a few of her specialties. Buck laughed from beside Harper.

"I never would have guessed." He smirked at her. Harper rolled her eyes.

Harper discovered Logan was from a town further east than their hometown. He moved to work at the hospital. Harper also learned that Logan was hopelessly in love with her sister. He couldn't take his eyes off her the entire drive.

"These roads are windy." Buck had commented when they were about two hours into the drive.

"Yeah, they are about to turn to gravel." Harper said.

"You're joking." Buck rolled his eyes.

Harper, Hannah, and Logan all shared a laugh. Buck had no idea what he was in for. By the time they pulled up the long, dirt road to her parent's farm, Buck looked like he was going to be ill. However, he smiled when he saw the white, one story farm house.

"How many acers?" He asked Harper.

"Close to 150." She said, stepping from the SUV.

She hadn't been home in so long. She was worried things would rush back. However, she was happy. She was happy to be here with Buck as well. Jack never came to Kentucky with her. However, it was partly Harper's fault. She never had a lot of interest in coming home to relieve the pain of losing her parents.

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