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📖Alhaitham's POV📚:

Oh Celestia.. We finally made it back to Sumeru. Now, we just need to find Layla. Hopefully she knows where Raena is.. God these types of things makes me wanna die.

I looked at Cyno, who also wasn't enjoying this, then turned my direction away before I asked, "So, do you know where Layla could be?"

He looked at me before turning his gaze to a tavern and said, "I sometimes notice her sleeping or drinking in that tavern. Maybe she's there today." his gaze was fixed at the tavern. He's obviously trying to avoid me. Not that it mattered or anything though.

I sighed and walked towards the tavern. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cyno just standing there before he sighed and followed me.

We entered the tavern. Boy it was noiser than I expected. I looked at the clock on the wall to my left and checked the time. 12:32. People drink midday?

Cyno and I looked around in hopes of finding Layla. And not much to our surprise, we found her laying on the bar table. Sound asleep too.

We both sat beside her. Cyno on her left and me in her right. We called for the bartender and order some drinks ourselves. We waited for Layla to wake up, and fortunately, she woke up 15 minutes later.

"Mm? Alhaitham and.." she turned to her left and continued, "Cyno..? What are you two doing here?"

I sighed before answering her, "Look, we're looking for Raena. If I remember correctly, she was in Rtawahist, like you. Any idea where she could be?"

"Straight to the point, eh?" she chuckled, then continued, "She's in the Akademiya. She's a Herbat, if I recall.."

(Herbat, I did my research, it's the professor position in the Akademiya)

"Looks like finding her won't be that hard after all. Let's go, Al." Cyno muttered, standing up and leaving for the door. "Couldn't agree more." I replied, getting up and following Cyno.

"See ya" Layla waved at us before going back to sleep. Still wonder how she graduated with high honors..

We made our way to the Akademiya. The guards at the entrance recognized us as the acting grand sage and general mahamatra and let us in. We wasted no time and made our way to House Rtawahist. I gotta say, the place quite changed. The ceiling now have a space design with hanging stars, planets, constellations and such. It's beautiful.

We continued walking until we finally spotted her in an empty room stuffing her things to her backpack. She still looks the same as ever. Her long dirty brown hair in a waterfall braid. Those same pair of black glasses hanging from her nose. And lastly, she still has that green hair clip Kaveh gifted her on our graduation.

I guess that clip really means a lot to her considering how she's still wearing it after seven years

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I guess that clip really means a lot to her considering how she's still wearing it after seven years.

We made our way to the room she was in and knocked on the already-opened door to catch her attention. She turned to the door and sparkles danced in her eyes the moment she saw us. "O.M.G!!" she exclaimed, before running towards us and hugged us tightly. "It's been soooo longggg, guys!! How've you both been??" seeing us made her ecstatic for some reason. She's always been like that even when we were young. "We've been good, Raena. How 'bout you?" Cyno greeted back, with a huge smile on his face. Wow, you've been feeling grumpy about going back to Sumeru to go look for Raena, but now that we found her, you're smiling? Understanding you is as hard as understanding Kaveh..

"What brings you by, Cy? I mean I get why Al's here cuz he's the Grand Sage, but you?? What's the General Mahamatra doing here??" she asked, while giving a gleeful chuckle. "That's acting Grand Sage, Raena." Cyno corrected before continuing, "And we're here to take you on a trip"

"A trip??" she surprisingly asked, before letting a soft chuckle, then continued, "What for and where to? We haven't seen each other in seven years and the first thing you say is this?? Not being rude!! Just surprised!" 

She seriously haven't changed a bit. Same old cheerful personality. That's what we like about her. No matter what the situation is, she would always have that same cheerful personality shown. That's also why we'd never know if she's hurting or what.

"You'll know when we get there." Cyno uttered before continuing, "So what do you say?" Man that guy seriously wants to waste no time.

"In a hurry much?? The Akademiya is on a holiday starting today anyway, so I'll go!! Sounds fun!" 

Finally. Finding her wasn't that hard after all. Now, all there's left is to bring her to Mondstadt. 

A/N: I'M SO SORRYYYY!!!! IDK WHAT TO PUT HERE NOW!! plus it's only 800 words T-T.. It's usually 1000+..

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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