Chapter 7

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"Tch! Neptune what do you wan-"

My eyes snapped open in annoyance as I was ready to reprimand what I thought to be the purple headed gremlin. Only for my voice to trail off as I instead saw two unfamilar faces.

Two people were staring down at me, one smiling in relief and the other looking shocked that I was awake

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Two people were staring down at me, one smiling in relief and the other looking shocked that I was awake.

Of course I did what any sane person would do in such a situation.


I closed my eyes and collapsed on my back. Maybe if I ignore them they'll go away?

"Oi! Don't pass out again! There's no telling what will happen if you fall asleep intentionally here of all places!"

Groaning at the statement, I nonetheless sat up and crossed my legs underneath me begrudingly.

The smaller of the two sighed in relief, while the taller of the two looked like she had something to say, but didn't want to.

Taking note of this, I raised an eyebrow while looking in her direction.

"There something wrong miss?"

She blinked, before rapidly shaking her hands and head.

"Oh no not at all! It's just well... You were banged up pretty bad before, and then you also used my Noble Phantasm right afterwards..."

"Real smooth Wielder...."

Wielder? Noble Phantasm? Banged up?

The words seemed foreign, and despite the obvious english it felt like a translation error.

"Look miss. I don't know what you mean by Noble Phantasm or Wielder. If that's some weird bed play yall are into, good for you. But what do you mean by bange-"

Oh wait. Nevermind.

Flashes of the cave came back midsentence. I was manhandled by a rather salty creature huh...

If it wasn't for that sword. Rengoku. I would have probably died sooner instead of being able to win.

A pyrhhic victory, but a victory nonetheless.

And a Noble Phantasm? The skill I performed at the end involving all that speed and whatnot is hers? Noted.

More glaringly. That child is saying Wielder. DIdn't that Rengoku blade call me that before?

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