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chapter 1.) betrayal

"That's really not a good idea..."

"My entire life has consisted of nothing but bad ideas. I've already killed every other member of my family, what's one more?"


Charlie knew that they were all completely, royally, absolutely fucking screwed.

She tried to be an optimistic individual, she truly did. She tried to see the best in everyone; but on the days where the pressure got to her, on the days which she felt as if the burden of her struggles was too great to bear, there was mainly one individual she'd look to for support.

And that had been Reina; who, in her opinion, was the very epitome of invincible. A powerful overlord who let nothing dissuade her from her objectives, with a sharp tongue and an even sharper mind—sure, Charlie questioned some of her violent tendencies at times, but overall, Reina was someone whom she was proud to look up to.

So to see that very same demon practically brought to her knees from the force of her own soul being sold against her will, Charlie was absolutely fucking terrified.

Charlie knew Reina couldn't do it herself, so she grabbed the other demon's hands and teleported the both of them off to her room—it wasn't an ability which Charlie used often, but she highly doubted that Reina would appreciate such an unexpected moment of weakness displayed in front of all of the hotel's patrons.

She knew Alastor would be an exempt to such an unspoken rule—which was another thing she couldn't believe, that the two of the most known overlords in Hell, notorious for swearing off external relations, were not only pursuing a relationship, but had known each other long before their descent to Hell—

But now was certainly not the time to attempt to figure out the whole, convoluted story behind that. Charlie was just trying to get Reina to look at her, the other demon having pushed herself up against the wall and seemingly struggling to breathe.

She was no stranger to panic attacks, but trying to calm down someone like Reina—who Charlie was partially convinced would try and kill her if she tried to touch her—the blonde honestly had no idea what to do. She was entirely stumped, her mind drawing a blank when it came to such a scenario.

She didn't blame Reina, of course—if Charlie felt her own soul suddenly being sold away without her own consent, she'd probably panic, too. And she imagined it hurt, judging by the way Reina had just collapsed out of nowhere.

Fortunately for her, the only person Charlie had expected to do so had just entered the room; Alastor seemingly melted into existence through the shadows that originated in the corners of the room, appearing from there and taking an actual physical form. His gaze darted around the room, his ever-present grin softening ever so slightly with concern when his stare landed on Reina's shaking form.

Charlie took a step back, allowing Alastor to do what he needed to do. Although she didn't leave the room entirely, a small, curious part of her wanting to see such an interaction play out.

Because even though she considered Reina a friend, a companion she most certainly cherished, there was still such mystery shrouding the reserved overlord; most of the hotel's inhabitants didn't believe Reina was even capable of experiencing emotion; Charlie wanted nothing more than to see such rumors refuted.

Alastor had knelt down in front of Reina, his hands reaching out to gently grasp her own. It had looked like she had been trying to claw her very soul out of her body—which Charlie could understand to an extent, but it still filled her with anguish to see her friend so utterly distraught.

𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 • 𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 (𝐡.𝐡.)Where stories live. Discover now