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786 days later

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786 days later

15 August 2022 (X)

The sunrise awakened the place like an alarm clock as it beamed over the horizon. Peeking through the glass windows, the sun smiled down at the lives that awaited inside the bustling terminal. An aeroplane pulled upon one of the gates, the company's name glistening under the bright rays of morning blessings.

Cyberus International Airlines

"There's my flight," Cynthia whispered to herself as she checked the board above her head and right she was as her plane number began blinking brightly.

Her ears opened to the sounds around that encircled her. Shoes clicked against the tiles as the people raced towards the gates, not wanting to miss their flights. Wheels of multiple luggage squeaked against the frictionless floor, making her ears want to bleed. Somewhere in the airport, a balloon burst and the sobs of a little girl could be heard. The pages of today's newspaper flipping rapidly by an impatient reader who probably just wants to get to the comic section. It was in fact, the best part of the newspaper. Cynthia sighed as she walked towards the boarding gates, trying to drown out the sounds that she could hear so clearly.

Any sound, no matter how loud or how soft, she could hear in full detail and know exactly what was making that sound. It was both a blessing as well as a curse. Knowing what people whispered about her might seem useful but instead, it was just torture. She would rather not know the horrible thoughts and sleep peacefully at night rather than stay awake all night just thinking about it. Too much, she can hear and it hurts. Sometimes, it made her ears ring. The scurrying of rats that occupied her walls, the creaking of the broken wardrobe door, the rustling of leaves outside her window, the rain tapping her glass, the wind from the air-condition blowing gently. Too much sound. How is anyone supposed to sleep like this?

"Welcome, hope you will enjoy your flight," the flight attendant smiled as Cynthia walked into the first-class chamber.

"Thanks," Cynthia replied emotionlessly as she sat in her seat and tried to make herself comfortable.

To her right, was a window that displayed the airport as the plane began to close up and take off. Cynthia pulled the blinds down, not wanting to see the outside world for the rest of her flight. She was thankful for the panel that was enclosed around her, giving her partial hiding from the aisle. There was a small table next to her and it was stacked with a white pillow as well as a white blanket. There were two cup holders provided on the table itself. In front of her was a touchscreen gadget, displaying a wide range of applications.

A few minutes after take-off...

"Excuse me," a flight attendant stood at the opening between the panel and the wall, revealing a little of the aisle, "Ms Maeve from Teyvant Publishing Company?"

"Yes," Cynthia replied quietly, not wanting to be known by others.

"Just remind you that your company has paid for all your travelling costs. Feel free to order anything from our bar or cafe. If you need another warm blanket or someone to fluff your pillow, just give us a call. If you're planning to take a nap, I can come over and help you convert your current seat to a lie-flat seat," the flight attendant briefed, "We are at your service."

"How about some pastry and water?" Cynthia asked, "That'll do for now."

"Right away," the flight attendant walked away, her hips sashaying gracefully with every step.

Cynthia couldn't help but be jealous of the pretty white uniforms that had swirls of gold etched all over them. She also wondered how they all had their hair tied so neatly in a tight bun, not a hair out of place. If it were her, she would've looked like a male lion with a huge mane. That was how horrible she was at tying her hair. It was either a ponytail or let loose. Cynthia closed her eyes and relaxed her body against the cushions that hugged her like a furry polar bear.

"Ma'am, your pastry and water"

Well, that was quick.

Cynthia opened her eyes and looked down at the glass plate placed on the table next to her. Beside it was a beautiful set of silver cutlery. Not forgetting the tall glass of sparkling water that stood there, beckoning Cynthia to take a drink. Satisfied with the quality of this flight, she nodded to the flight attendant in approval.

"Oh and, I know this is out of my professionalism but I am a huge fan of your books. Is it alright if you sign my copy of 'Bury the Bloodshed'? You can reject it if you feel uncomfortable with it and I deeply apologise if I have stepped over your boundaries," the flight attendant whispered as she pulled out a copy of Cynthia's novel and handed her a pen.

"Sure, no problem," Cynthia smiled as she took the pen and quickly signed the front page, "But I would prefer if you keep my existence on this flight a secret from other passengers until after I get off at Seoul Airport."

"Of course, anything for you," the flight attendant smiled as she hugged the book, "Anything else?"

"Nope, I am good for now," Cynthia nodded as she laid back in her seat.

She watched as the woman walked away with utmost grace. She looked down at the pastry on her plate and carefully cut a piece of her butter croissant. She placed it into her mouth and her eyes immediately went wide at the ravishing taste. If she was open to this type of food for the next 10 hours of the flight, then she is going to most certainly enjoy this flight. Especially considering one important fact that not many know about her.

Cynthia hates aeroplanes. 


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