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16 August 2022 (X)

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16 August 2022 (X)

The smell of vanilla hit Cynthia's nose as she walked into her assigned hotel room. The floor was well carpeted in a dark brown and the walls were covered with smooth matching wallpaper. At the entrance was a shoe rack made from wood painted in shiny black. She took off her shoes and walked further into the room, her luggage being carried behind her. Next to the shoe rack was a door leading to the bathroom and next to the door was a black wardrobe with a sliding door. In the centre of the room sat a huge king-size bed covered in milky white sheets and a cooling comforter. A huge teddy bear occupied the middle of the bed, smiling at Cynthia. Next to either side of the bed were white nightstands that matched the colour of the sheets. Two twin crystal lamps were placed on either of the nightstands, making the place a little less dim. There was a huge sliding glass window that led to the balcony. A balcony to admire the view of the sparkling ocean and breathe the fresh air. Beside the window was a small pantry area that had a microwave; sink; mini-fridge and cabinets full of mini cooking utensils, dry food and silver cutlery.

She turned around to face her company's representative to pick her up from the airport. He walked into the room, inspecting every little detail. Behind him was the hotel staff who was assigned to carry her luggage. The room was spacious, big, luxurious and everything that Cynthia never had before she became successful. She recalled her life two years ago when she used to work extra hours in her part-time job just to pay the rent of her crappy apartment that always had a smell of rubber. Now here she was, on her 3rd sponsored trip by her company to conduct a fan signing event in Korea.

Her hard work will always be rewarded.

"If the room doesn't suit your standards, feel free to request another room, Ms Maeve," her company representative spoke up, "Order any sort of room service and feel free to take any drink from the cooler. All of your expenses are taken care of by the company. Rest well today and tomorrow, you will be heading to Seoul's Heaven Garden for your fan signing event. The full agenda for the day is in your inbox and do not stress about what to wear. Feather Fashion has decided to sponsor your clothing for this full trip. Also, all transportation has been arranged and if you are worried about your safety in this hotel, fear not. Outside your room are two of the company's most trusted and skilled bodyguards. No such ambush would take place. You may sleep without fearing if you will see the daylights the next day."

Cynthia nodded obediently.

"If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to give me a call. I will be in the room next to yours," he gave a slight nod and made his out of the room along with the hotel staff, leaving her all by herself.

Once she heard the door close and footsteps walk a safe distance away, she breathed a sigh of relief. This whole thing has been overwhelming and Cynthia hadn't gotten time to breathe. The company gave her so much freedom yet, she felt like she was being controlled. The clothes she wears, the words she says, and the room she stays in are all already decided for her.

She sat down on her bed and glanced at the phone on her nightstand. Right on cue, her tummy rumbled. She reached over to the phone and dialled in-room service.

"Hi, this is Golden Gates Hotel room service, how may I assist?" a woman's voice rang into the phone.

"This is room number 23A, can I have a plate of carbonara with extra cheese?" she asked politely.

"One plate of carbonara with extra cheese for room number 23 A. Would you like anything, Ms Maeve?" the woman on the other side of the line asked.

"Can I keep the teddy bear?" Cynthia asked as she glanced towards the smiling teddy that sat in the middle of her bed.

"Of course, anything for you, Ms Cynthia Maeve."  


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