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17 August 2022 (X)

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17 August 2022 (X)

Cold water washed over her, along with the stress that accumulated in her brain. Today was hectic and even though she enjoyed meeting her fans, it was still too much. Too much socialisation. Wearing a dress that would have suited a more classy occasion, she sat down on a comfortable chair and began signing copy after copy while interacting with her fans. The ones lucky enough to attend her fan sign. Many were inspired by her and some even claim that she is their motivation. But there is still the lingering fear of pressure that builds up on her.

The pressure that she might let everyone down.

Cynthia felt overwhelmed by the number of people that flooded the place and the amount of noise that pierced through her ears. Every single footstep and every word coming from thousands of different people was an ear sore. Her head was pounding against her skull during the whole event yet, she managed to pull up a smile. A painful smile for her fans and mainly, for herself.

She slipped into her beige lace nightgown and flopped onto her bed. Tiredness swept her away into a dark everlasting abyss. Her mind loosened as her breathing became steady. Her brain no longer pounded against her skull; her heart no longer raced against her lungs. Cynthia felt her eyes close as sleep began to take her in.




Her eyes shot open as she immediately got up from her bed. Footsteps echoed into her ear and even though the heavy grey curtains muffled any outside noise, her ears were sharper than a blade. She heard light and quick movement from the other side of the glass window.

Someone is on her balcony.

"So much for 'high security'," Cynthia scoffed as she began creeping up towards the curtains.

She could hear the footsteps and sense someone on the other side of the glass window. Her heart pounded against her chest and her forehead was drenched in sweat. All the hair on her skin rose as a shiver snaked down her spine. She reached out to the curtains and took a deep breath. She rapidly pulled back the curtains and looked outside to see who was creeping onto her balcony

There was nothing there.

"Impossible," she whispered as she slid the glass open and stepped out on the balcony, the cold wind freezing her bare shoulders, "My ears never lie."

"Hello, long time no see," a familiar voice greeted from behind her. 


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➸ 𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 (𝙉𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡 )Where stories live. Discover now