Trees, trees, oh look! Another tree

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What do you do when a portal opens up beneath you after Dan wins and everyone you loved gets blown up? What do you do when your heavily injured in a forest with no resources? What do you do when all you can think about is how it was all your fault?

Well, I for one cried and raged and screamed. Now you might be wondering why I'm calmly explaining this right now. The truth is, that was three days ago.

Don't get me wrong, I'm nowhere near the acceptance stage of grief. My insides ache and my hope feels shattered, my core is screaming in anguish and my eyes are sore from all the tears I've shed. But, I can't just keep crying. It hurts, it hurts so bad all I want to do is give up. But if I do that, who will remember my family, my friends, my home?

I have to live so that they live. Because if I give up and allow myself to disappear, then that means they'll be gone too. It might seem selfish, but I don't want them to be gone or forgotten. So I'll survive. I'll live until I've spread their memories and hopes and dreams and story to every part of this world.

The only problem with that is, "where on earth am I?!"

All I can see in any direction are trees, bushes, and fog. Honestly the forest looks like it's haunted....oh wait, technically it is since I'm I still have a bit of my humor...I thought as a million other thoughts and theories played in my head.

I tried to recall what the portal looked like to see if there are any clues to connect with where I am but....nothing. All I see when I try to think back is them and the fear on their faces...if I had just stopped making quips, if only I had been faster...if....if....if.

That's all I could think.

If only, and what if...

No, snap out of it.


It honestly hurt my very core to say that but it was the truth...and I needed to accept that and move, not move on, not even close, but move my body and do something. I needed to think rationally. Or else my thoughts will drown me and I'll be stuck here, crying and screaming for them for who knows how much longer.

I finally snap my thoughts back to the present and think of my next course of action. I took inventory of my body's condition as well as if I had enough energy to use my powers.

I was still in my ghost form, too grief stricken to change back, and it seemed that because of this, hunger and thirst did not affect me and my injuries were almost healed.

For some odd reason, I don't feel drained like I usually do after a fight. In all honesty, I feel fully recharged. Weird considering how emotionally drained I am.

I tried to make a portal to the ghost zone to see if I could then get back, but.....nothing happened.

With this revelation, I 'fly' above the tree-line to see if there was anything like civilization near. As I looked around, my eyes widened in shock. Trees, in every. Single. Direction. And beyond those trees was an open sea.

I felt despair pool deep within my core. How can I do anything if there is nothing here. No people, no towns, not even another island nearby.

Tears started to well in my eyes as I desperately tried to find some semblance of hope. But all I felt was pain, as if my core already knew it was hopeless.

What do I do now?

3rd Person POV

As time flew by, Danny tried all manner of things to keep himself from giving up and destroying his core. He remained in his ghost form as it was easier to survive and kept him from needing the basic human necessities such as food and shelter.

Though he would eat wild fruit and vegetables he sometimes found, most days he would simply forget to look for food, and thus forget to eat.

There was no civilization on the island so he decided to build a town. This way he had some semblance of normalcy and could pretend he wasn't alone.

It took him 8 years to finish the town but, since he refused to leave his ghost form, he hadn't aged a day. And due to the isolation and lack of communication, Danny slowly began forgetting about his humanity. He still remembered his family and friends, after all how could he forget his failure. How could he forget that it was his fault.

His once optimistic outlook on spreading their stories and memories around the globe became pessimistic thoughts on how he needed to live as punishment for letting them die. His jokes and smile slowly faded as more time passed and his hope diminished.

After he built the town, after 8 years of isolation, the first visitor came to his island.

It was a ghost. Because of course it would be a ghost. They looked to be in their 40's and had a strong physique, from what he could see, hiding in the trees near the shore, they seemed just as confused as he was on why they were there. After much debating with himself and watching the ghost, and realizing it didn't have the same energy as the ghosts he once knew, Danny decided it was safe to reveal himself and learn more about the stranger.

With a deep, unneeded, breath, Danny floated in front of the ghost, almost scaring the poor stranger to 'death'. "Who are you?!" The stranger asked, startled.

Danny pondered on if he should give his name but ultimately decided that no harm would come from sharing it. And it had been so long since he got to speak to someone else...

"Danny" he said in a soft, rusty voice.

The stranger could tell it had been a long time since the boy had used his voice. And by that deduction, he guessed it had been even longer since the boy spoke to someone else.

"My name is Danny Phantom".

Here is the first chapter in my new book! Hope everyone enjoys and let me know what you think.
Who do you guys think the ghost is and will others find his island?
Enjoy the suspense.  
MUAHAHAHA-cough cough.
Anyways until next chapter.
Have a good day/night/evening.

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