Chapter 7

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234 days after turning.

We find an inconspicuous entrance to a small cave east of Reeshov after half a day of walking, glad to finally settle down for a long rest and enjoy our trophy.

"...the softrock bread was as hard as the name implies, but those steaks were cooked to perfection. Curious to see what quaggoth tastes like," Geraldus says, roasting the chunk of quaggoth meat over the dancing flame.

"Like a bear, I imagine," I reply.

I study Geraldus' map of the Underdark, crossing off the city ruins of Eryndlyn to our north. The last thing we want is to deal with more hostiles in the Lowerdark, and having already walked upward most of the day, it only suits our bodies and peace of mind to head directly toward Dolblunde, the gnomish city ruins in the Upperdark and the closest site to Waterdeep. We will have to cross two river roots, but if we are lucky, those river roots won't be deep enough to create a water flow, instead consisting only of damp fertile ground abundant with bioluminescent fungi.

"Gale Dekarios of Waterdeep," Geraldus starts. "It's hard to imagine two powerful wizards in the same party. I don't know how any of you survived with that amount of intellectual egotism hogging the camp."

I gasp. "Geraldus, I'm impressed. That's the meanest thing you've said to me so far, but it is an acute observation. We fought the entire way. He attempted to best me through sheer verbosity, which certainly weighed me down even further after long, battletorn days, but when it came down to it, I held the knowledge of the Crown of Karsus; so really, what good were his eloquent words when I could snuff his ambitions of godhood? I once tried to make Astarion jealous by flirting with Gale, but he was too busy pouting about Mystra, so I gave up on that little game as soon as I started."

"What about Mystra upset him?" he asks.

"She was his ex."


"To be fair—and fairness isn't exactly my niche—his relationship with Mystra was not all unlike mine with Astarion. Much older, much more powerful lovers work their way with the young like spiders ensnaring their prey. I feel...bad for Gale, but the point of seeing him is not about the past. We must focus on locating Damrius and Lae'zel, and Gale is the only wizard I know who is spectacular enough to complete the task. It wouldn't hurt to gather other allies while we are there if we make it in time before my siblings find me," I say, putting away the map into Geraldus' bag of holding. I peer further into the bag, searching for a treat for myself. "You don't suppose Brightcandle Cobren could have done us a favour and packed us a little bottle of wine?"

"I thought the fungal wine would have done you over, but you downed it like a champion. You could drink poison and I wouldn't be surprised to hear you like the taste," Geraldus replies, smirking endearingly.

"That fungal wine was definitely not my preferred taste, but a drink is a drink, as Astarion would always say." I sit back down across from Geraldus and warm my hands on the fire. Something from within urges me to reach out and grab the flames, to feel the pain I so desperately deserve.

"You never speak of him," Geraldus says, pulling me from my impulsive thoughts.

"No, I don't. And to think that all I ever wanted to do was talk about him after he first worked his magic on me. I was obsessed, like those fools enchanted by the gods of lust and romance in old love stories. I'm still obsessed, really, but in a very personal way that I couldn't burden you with. You shouldn't have to carry that weight."

"Neither should you," he reminds me.

I sigh. "Give it time. I wish to one day tell you about the best parts of me, even if those went toward someone so undeserving."

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