Chapter 10

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241 days after turning.

"According to the map, there is an exit to the cave system far enough south of Dolblunde's ruins, so we will ascend near the base of Mount Waterdeep," Geraldus says, tucking the map into his bag.

"Is it a popular spot amongst wayfarers with its close proximity to Waterdeep? While the city can provide some convenient anonymity due to its size, we must keep our profile as low as possible in case any of my siblings are already lurking about."

"Ah, no extracurricular excursions in the city? Pity. I was hoping to take part in their racing competitions for the sowing season. We'll arrive just in time for them too!" He feigns defeat, tossing his arms up with the dramatic flair of a princess who just lost every suitor at her coronation ball.

I let out a silly little laugh, nearly as ridiculous as the way he looks. "I would utterly embarrass you in those racing competitions, dear, so it is best we don't, on account of your Harper pride." I wink at him and pat on his shoulder. He sticks his tongue to the corner of his mouth in a mock-up of my "writing face."

He collects himself. "We will handle ourselves fine as always if we encounter other wayfarers at the cave exit, so long as night blankets the skies. As for when we are in the city, we will eventually hit the armoury to get you a decent staff at the most, but perhaps our unexpecting host, Gale, might be of use in that regard as well."

Nodding, I recall, "He bragged about having quite the collection, although he must have consumed most of its magic due to his little Netherese Orb affliction. I'm sure he'll be willing to share with a friend in dire need, considering he has to have resupplied by now; plus, he might have my old staffs since I couldn't keep all of them when we moved into the palace, so I gave them to him. I miss my Markoheshkir most of all...."

I slow my pace, suddenly the furthest from being ready to end our time in the Underdark. Geraldus walks ahead but stops and turns back. He offers his hand to me, and I squeeze it tight as our skin touches.

He squeezes my hand in return, assuring, "I'm with you the whole way."

"No, not the whole way. Just this part, and then you're free to return and become Harpshadow as planned."

"Things have changed."

I let go of his hand. "Have they?     What comes next for me, Harper? I cannot live in the same city as my master, or anywhere close to him, and you cannot live wayward forever. You have a duty to uphold, do what you swore to do, and I have no part in that."

He places his hands on his hips. "You think I'm going to let you get away that easily? There is no timeline for my journey of worth, and Brightcandle Cobren hardly expects me to come back anytime soon having only escorted you. That may be the main mission, but my mentor did not send me alone with a vampire simply to walk to and fro. There's far more to this—to us—now that there is more than just our lives and honour at stake."

I cross my arms. "And you want an 'us,' hm? Do you even know all that 'us' entails?"

He smirks. "I haven't the faintest clue what 'us' entails, but dammit if I don't want to find out."

Geraldus holds out his hands and raises his eyebrows at me expectantly. Rolling my eyes, I place my hands in his, and he pulls me into an embrace. It is so nice here in his arms, like returning to a home and hearth I never knew.

The last five days of this closeness has been...interesting to say the least. Neither of us knows how to entirely handle ourselves with the other, not when the lines between protector and lover become blurrier by the day; he does not know where to push, and I do not know where not to push. But, amidst our confusing volley, there is a balance that we somehow stumble upon, so matters that we thought were impossible to overcome on our own are resolved harmoniously together.

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