+ Meeting Up Again +

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Uzi was standing out in the middle of the hallway, leaning against some lockers. She looks around and sees what it seems to be..N? She squints her eyes, trying to make sure she was right on who she thinks she's seeing. "..N?" She said.

"Uzi!" N said, as he would then run up to Uzi, and he'd suddenly pull her into a hug as he was glad to see her. "I-I was looking for you! I checked your room but you weren't there, so I decided to come here!" N says in his regular cheerful tone, as he would then pull away, and his tail starts to wag.

"Ugh, why? Of all the times you could've chosen, this is like the worst time.  I'm supposed to be-.." Her words trail off as she is suddenly pulled into a hug and her face reddens. "N, what, uh, did you need something..? W-Why are you here?" She pushes to get out of the hug, obviously flustered at how affectionate he is being.

"...Oh, well..I just wanted to see you of course! To uh..hangout?" N said, as he was hoping that Uzi would agree to hangout with him. He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling awkward and a bit nervous already.

Uzi then thought about N's request for a few moments. "Heh, heh.. Alright, sure. I am kinda bored and all of these lessons are getting boring anyway. I was thinking about skipping anyway, we can hang out in some empty classroom or something I dunno... I mean, if you're up for it... It isn't like I'm busy or anything..." Uzi says, as she would look away awkwardly, trying to hide the blush lines appearing on her visor..

"Sure, I love doing anything!" N then starts to look around for an empty classroom they can hangout in, but then he suddenly looks over at Uzi. "Wait, what are we going to do there, if we find one?"

"Not much, probably. Just sit around and talk or something? Who cares, honestly. Plus, it's not like we actually need to do any of the stupid homework I've been assigned." She shrugs. "I'd rather get a head start on my training later, anyways. I have to perfect my railgun, afterall. And as usual, I need you to be my target, cause apparently no one else is capable of standing up to me in a spar-"

N's eyes then widened a bit when he heard that he'd have to be a target practice for Uzi's railgun. "Wait- what? Why would you want to use me as your target? I-I might be capable..yeah, but I don't wanna be shot or anything, yknow?" He said with a nervous chuckle.

Uzi groans. "Ugh, you're missing the point, dummy! You're the only one who's good enough at dodging and countering to give me a decent enough challenge. Everyone else just falls down after the first hit! You're the only one I actually have to try against. And besides, you won't die from it, I promise. Most of the time, anyways. Maybe I'll go easy on you." She smirks as she says the last part, thinking of teasing him even further.

N then calmed down a bit, after hearing he'd be able to dodge, which is something he's really easy at. "Ohh, okay." He said a bit nervously, and his tail stops wagging. "Well, uh..lead the way!"

"Whatever." Uzi walks off, gesturing for him to follow with a slight eye roll. She doesn't walk a few feet before she remembers something, stopping and turning back to look at him. "Hey, make sure you don't tell J.. or V about this, got it? Alright, good. Now, lets go." Uzi makes sure to put a little bit of distance between them, obviously being annoyed by him being there, but still trying to hide the fact she's enjoying their little back-and-forth banter.

"J?..V?" N then paused for a moment. "Oh yeah, J's still alive..but I won't tell her anything! I don't even see her that much anymore, I only mostly just see V anyways." N then sighed a bit. "If V wasn't still hunting, she would be here with us at this moment.." N then smiled, and glanced over at Uzi. His smile then faded once he saw how annoyed she kinda looked, and wondered if he did anything wrong to annoy her like this.

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