+ Perfect +

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A few days pass by, and Uzi, N, and even V were all some adventure. Uzi was leading them somewhere, and V was getting impatient, and she was constantly asking Uzi if they were almost there, which annoyed Uzi. N however was just there, and just listened how they constantly annoyed each other.

Uzi groaned and rolled her eyes. "Yes, V. We're almost there. I told you a million times. Now can you please shut up and stop asking? You're getting on my nerves." V growled in annoyance and said, "Ugh, fine. But if we're not there in five minutes, I'm leaving." Uzi just scoffed and said, "Good riddance."

"Guys, chill down. I'm sure we are almost there! Right Uzi?" N asked awkwardly, and then he looked around the area they were walking in, before looking back over at Uzi.

Uzi smirked and said, "Of course we're almost there, N. I know exactly where we're going. V just has no patience and constantly needs to complain about everything." V growled in frustration and said, "Ugh, shut up, Uzi. You're so bossy and annoying." Uzi just rolled her eyes and said, "Whatever, V. You're the one who's always complaining and slowing us down."

"Well, I'm not the one slowing us down right now, am I?" V asked with her arms crossed, and then she stared to fly in the air with her wings out, but not too high out. "Can you atleast tell us why we're going to wherever you're taking us?"

Uzi groaned and rolled her eyes again. "For the last time, V, we're going on a treasure hunt. I found an old map online that leads to a location where some ancient relics were buried. We're going to find them and take them for ourselves. Are you happy now?"

V huffed, and then she looked away. "Okay, whatever." V then looked over at N, seeing how curious he looked. She then looked back at Uzi, and decided to mess with them. "Soo, how's it been since you guys started dating? Did you guys pass the making out segment or something?"

Uzi blushed and looked surprised at V's question. She stammered, "Uh, um, what? Why would you ask that? It's none of your business!" V grinned mischievously and said, "Oh come on, Uzi. I can see you blushing. You're obviously hiding something. What have you and N been up to, huh?" Uzi's blush lines worsen and she looked away, not knowing what to say.

N then interrupted their conversation. "V, if Uzi doesn't want to talk about it, then we're not going to. Plus, I kinda don't wanna say anything about what we've been doing either.." N said awkwardly, and then he walked closer to Uzi, and she grabbed her hand.

Uzi felt a sense of relief when N interrupted and supported her decision not to share our private moments. She also felt grateful that he stood up for her against V's inappropriate prying. She smiled and squeezed N's hand, feeling a sense of comfort and love. She then turned to V with a determined look and said, "Listen, V. We don't owe you an explanation about our relationship. So why don't you leave us alone and stop acting like a nosey know-it-all?" V just rolled her eyes and scoffed in response.

After 10 minutes, they all arrived where Uzi was leading them. N looked excited and he saw some stuff he's never seen before. He goes over to them, and he starts to inspect them.

Uzi smirks and says, "See, V? I told you I knew exactly where I was going. These relics look ancient. I wonder how much they're worth." V just rolls her eyes and says, "Whatever, Uzi. Let's just take them and get out of here. I don't want to waste any more time on this adventure." She then starts to take the relics and put them in a bag.

N suddenly had his wings out, and he flew across the place, and he grabbed the relics he liked, and he held them in his hands, which were slowly getting full. His tail was wagging fast, and he just had a huge smile on his face.

Uzi watches as N excitedly picks up relics and places them in his hands, a huge smile on his face. She couldn't help but smile as well, feeling happy that he was so excited about something. "You're such a dork, N," she says with a chuckle, her tone affectionate. "But I like that about you."

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