+ Trust.. +

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Timeskip to a few days later, Uzi is at school so N or V isn't there to entertain her. She was all alone. All alone with her classmates that she thought she was some freak..except one person.

Uzi was sitting at her desk, trying to ignore the constant staring from her classmates. She felt like an alien, a freak, like she didn't belong there. She felt so out of place and lonely. She then felt someone tap her on the shoulder, and she immediately looked up to see who it was.

"Hey!" The person said, who seemed to be Thad. "You okay?.." He asked curiously, with an eyebrow raised.

Uzi looked up at Thad in surprise, not expecting him to bother talking to her of all people. She then sighed and shook her head. "No...I'm not okay. These idiots won't stop staring at me like I'm some circus freak. It makes me feel so isolated and alone, like I don't belong here." She said, sounding a bit defeated.

"Don't worry, I think you belong here." Thad said, trying to be comforting. He then slowly patted Uzi on the back, and he chuckled awkwardly. He noticed the bracelet on Uzi's wrist, and he reached out to touch it. "Who gave you this?"

Uzi raised an eyebrow at the sudden gesture. "Uh..N gave this to me. Why?..." Uzi asked, feeling cautious about what Thad is getting at with that question.

Thad then rubbed the back of his head. "Oh, I was just curious." He then went silent, which was awkward for the both of them. "So, how is he?"

Uzi then realized that Thad was asking about N. She immediately smiled at the thought of him, but she was still a bit confused as to why he would ask about him. "He's doing fine..at least as far as I know." Uzi answered vaguely with a shrug. "Why do you ask though? Are you interested in him or something?..."

Thad's eyes widened, and he shook his head immediately. "What? No, not like that! But there is someone I'm kinda interested in.." He said, with some blush lines now appearing on his visor.

Uzi raised an eyebrow, trying to decipher just who this mysterious person he was interested in might be. "Well who is it then? Are you going to actually tell me now or should I just keep guessing?" She said teasingly, trying to get Thad to tell her already.

Thad took a deep breath, and he smiled a bit. "It's you.." Thad said, and then he just waited for Uzi's response. He didn't know that Uzi was taken so this was really gonna be awkward.

Uzi was completely caught off guard by what Thad just said. She froze in place due to surprise and awkwardness. She was completely surprised by this unexpected confession, and she stuttered for a few moments before finally saying anything. "Wait..Me?.." Uzi said, completely caught off guard.

Thad nodded, and smiled a bit at Uzi. "Yeah, I really do." Thad then suddenly went up to Uzi, and he kissed her on the lips. Once he did, Uzi pulled away and gave her a look that she was uncomfortable. "What's wrong..?" Thad asked.

Uzi's blankly stared at Thad. She looked away and cleared her throat. "Well...I..." Uzi didn't know how to respond, so she just stayed silent for a few moments. She then sighed and looked at Thad seriously. "Look, it's just...I'm already seeing someone, alright? So I-it's really not possible for us to be together..." Uzi said, now feeling awkward.

Thad then moved away from Uzi, and frowned. "Wait what? You are? I wasn't expecting you to be dating anyone. Who is it?" He asked, trying to not show how hurt he was.

Uzi sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Well...N is my boyfriend, if you really want to know the truth..." Uzi had to look away to avoid making eye contact with Thad, who she felt genuinely bad for since she could tell now that he was really hurt by this.

"Oh." Thad was surprised to hear that she was dating N. He always thought they looked good together, but never thought they would actually be dating. "Oh, well..uh..don't worry about what I just said and did..that was all a joke, don't worry!" Thad said awkwardly, taking steps back as he talked. "Um, I'll see you later, I-I guess?"

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