Biology/Internal workings and Science

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This section is the more science-y stuff about the species :) 

- Yeganis are semi-aquatic, hence their long lobed tails to aid in swimming. they frequently enter the water, some settlements living underwater entirely. 

- They possess rich blue blood due to cobalt based hemoglobin. They are warm blooded.

- Because they're semi aquatic, they breath through both a set of lungs (when they're above water) and through their skin (when they're underwater), so they can breath both in and out of water. They have specialised nerve endings around their nose and mouth that detect whether they're submerged, controlling whether they switch from using their lungs or their skin.

- They have an omnivorous diet (hence the molars at the back of the jaw), full of high protein to support their immensely strong musculature. They have extremely effective digestive systems, able to eat things that most other species couldn't stomach. Their sharp teeth are used to tear through meat, as they have a vital need for it because of it's high protein content. AKA, there is no such thing as a healthy vegetarian/vegan Yegani. If a Yegani doesn't eat meat for an extended period, this will result in severe emaciation and malnutrition, and potentially death if not treated.

- The Yegani diet, traditionally, is mostly made up of fish caught from the water, meat from the hunted animals surrounding the settlement, fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables from the native trees and plants, grain thats farmed from small (mostly 5m x 5m) crop circles, edible bark and leaves of specific trees, bread (similar to Australian Aboriginal damper) made from ground seeds and grain mixed with water or milk (from animals in the settlement) to create dough which is cooked over a fire, water (obviously), milk (from the native animals, similar to Earth's cows), spices and seasonings made from native sources, certain types of fungi, Castillan rice/"Saanahe" (a grain similar to gold rice but native to their planet, Castilla D), dried, cooked or raw seagrass/seaweed, specific edible coral species, eggs from various native animals (cooked or raw), bone marrow from hunted animals (Yeganis hate wasting food so they use every part of the animal).

- The Yegani diet, traditionally, is mostly made up of fish caught from the water, meat from the hunted animals surrounding the settlement, fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables from the native trees and plants, grain thats farmed from small (mostly ...

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- Yeganis have the same intelligence level as a human, the differences being that they are a lot more impulsive, animalistic and instinctual because of their larger basal ganglia (part of the brain responsible primarily for motor control, as well as other roles such as motor learning, executive functions and behaviours, and emotions.) 

- Due to yegani brain chemistry, yeganis are prone to faster and more dramatic mood fluctuations than humans, which can lead to heightened aggression, anxiety, libido, restlessness, mania, ecstasy, etc.

- 5 times a year, Yeganis go into their heat cycle which lasts 3 weeks. during this heat cycle, they experience rapid hormone fluctuations, resulting in behavioural and psychological changes such as; greatly heightened libido, more aggressive and unpredictable, more passionate and affectionate, even more animalistic/crazed/manic behaviour, a voracious hunger to mate, hyperactivity, feral outbursts, physical and emotional sensitivity, etc.

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