Reproduction and Romance/Sexuality

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Physical sex and reproduction


Yeganis engage in sexual reproduction, a process wherein a male deposits sperm into a female's body to fertilize an egg. Their reproductive anatomy closely resembles that of other humanoid species, with males possessing a phallus and testicles, while females have a vulva and uterus/ovaries.

The distinctive characteristics of Yegani reproductive organs, setting them apart from those of other humanoid species, include:

1. The external integument of Yegani genitalia, encompassing the labia majora, shaft, and skin of the testicles, exhibits unique pearl formations akin to those present elsewhere on their epidermis. These pearls form individualized patterns specific to each Yegani individual.

2. Within the Yegani vaginal canal and cervix, a notable feature emerges: a series of muscles characterized by small cartilaginous and keratinous protrusions, reminiscent of dental structures, capable of voluntary contraction to prevent unwanted sexual intercourse. These muscular formations are referred to as abdontes.

3. The Yegani phallus distinguishes itself with ridged musculature along the corpus spongiosum (shaft), in addition to the presence or absence of pearls on the integument, contributing to a ribbed appearance.

 The Yegani phallus distinguishes itself with ridged musculature along the corpus spongiosum (shaft), in addition to the presence or absence of pearls on the integument, contributing to a ribbed appearance

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In contrast to the menstrual cycle observed in human females, Yegani females undergo a reproductive cycle characterized by estrous, akin to the estrous cycles observed in various mammalian species such as felids and canids

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In contrast to the menstrual cycle observed in human females, Yegani females undergo a reproductive cycle characterized by estrous, akin to the estrous cycles observed in various mammalian species such as felids and canids. (Males also get a similar but extremely less severe  heat cycle, referred to as testrus.)

A remarkable aspect of Yegani sexual intercourse is the physiological response of their color-changing body sections during intercourse. As levels of oxytocin, adrenaline, testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, and vasopressin surge in the midst of passion, these sections glow with a warm pink hue, symbolizing the heightened emotional and physical intensity of the moment.

Reproduction and birth

Yegani reproduction is a complex yet fascinating process intertwined with their unique biology and social dynamics. The gestation period for Yeganis spans approximately 10 to 11 months, a duration reflective of their semi-aquatic physiology and evolutionary adaptations. During this period, Yegani females undergo significant physiological changes to support the development of the offspring.

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